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(Just Arrived Home)

"So what you said before.." Chris asked as he closed the front door behind us.

"can we please just not talk about that right now?" I begged.

"not right now but Mel, you have to tell me eventually you can't just say that and leave it at that," he said as he made his way over to the couch.

"yeah I know it's just, I don't want to think or talk about that right now because..doesn't matter, but I will tell you.. I promise."

"okay.. so what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" he asked meeting my eyes.

"to be honest, i just want to chill out and just... try to adapt to this new life.." I said forcing a smile.

"yeah, yeah of course," he replied making room on the couch for me to sit with him.

I made my way over to the couch, grabbing a blanket on the way and sat down next to him.

"lets just watch movies all day?" I asked as he pulled me into a hug.

"that, Melissa, is a great idea," he chuckled.

(Around 5:30PM) 
(They've Been Watching Movies All Day)

"do you want to go out to dinner?" Chris asked spontaneously.

"where do you have in mind?" I smiled, sitting up.

"that Thai restaurant in the city that you like so much?" he replied.

"sure... but because you suggested it your paying!" i laughed running up the stairs to the bedroom to start getting ready.

"oh no!" I heard Chris shout sarcastically "I was totally going to make you pay, bummer," he laughed as he entered the room.

"CHRIS!" I shouted.

"I'm right here," he laughed from the doorway.

"oh.. well, do you know where my blue dress is?"

"I believe I do, I think I saw it in the washroom," he answered

"ooh the 'washroom', we're being fancy now, are we?" I laughed nudging his shoulder as i walked by.

"don't mock me, Missy."

"or what?" I smiled turning around.

"or I'm going to have to kiss you, right here, right now."

"oh no! not a kiss! whatever will i do? however will i survive such a- a terrible punishment?!" I shouted sarcastically.

"oh that's it," he chuckled while pulling me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist and quickly pecked my lips then pulled away.

"that's it?" I complain.

"for now yes. now, go get your dress and get ready so we can get there on time,"

"mmm noooo" I whine.

"mm yes, c'mon you're wasting time," he chuckles slightly.

"hmph, you're mean," I replied, trying to sound mad.

"yes yes very mean, now can you please get ready?" he begged.

"why are you being so.... determined to get there 'on time' i thought it was just a walk-in restaurant?" 

"it is but i have things planned, so you gotta pick up the pace."

"oh so its like a thing  thing"

"a what now?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"like it was a thing but its like a thing like y'know its a thing."

"oh please just get ready," he laughed, kissing me once more before going to get ready himself.

(After They Both Finished Getting Ready)   

"I'm guessing you want me to drive too?" Chris smiled

"huh since when is that a question? you always drive," I laugh

"yeah, why is that?"

"well.. I'm not the best driver, ask literally anyone and I don't know about you but I don't feel like being charged for man slaughter because I accidentally ran someone over."

"oh lovely, lets go."

To Be Continued...

Hey there!
So its been a few days since I've updated and to be honest; i just got swamped with mid-term exams so I've been studying and revising for those. Hopefully I'll have time to write some more this weekend, I'm not 100% sure though because I might be driving up to my cousins place to celebrate my birthday (even though its next Tuesday?) and there really isn't any service up there.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know I changed the mood of the story really fast but that's just because I just didn't feel like writing about deep and kind of depressing things, this chapter was going to be completely different but I know that you have been asking for Melwood content and I hope I delivered. If not there is always next chapter and there is going to (hopefully) be some more Melwood considering Chris has planned a surprise date ;)

One last thing; thank ya'll so much for all the lovely feedback I've been getting on these stories, it means so much to me that people read these shitty stories and somewhat enjoy them.


『 Instagram: arrowversetrash
YouTube: TheBookieMonster 』


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