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A few hours have passed and we have managed to clam Cal down enough to get him to have his nap, which gave Chris and I some time to talk..

"I'm so sorry, Mel" Chris says with his eyes full of sympathy.

"No more apologies, sitting around feeling sorry for what's happening won't help us in the long run. We need to think about this and make a list of all the things that he has done and all the reasons why Cal should stay here.. with the people who love him." I say all at once, trying to seem strong even though I feel like the life I've built for myself is being ripped out of my hands and if I let it go I will loose it forever.

"Okay, so what's our plan?" He asks

"The truth."

"The truth? All of it?"

"Yes! if that's what it's going to take I will tell the court, heck I'll tell the whole damn world! As long as it means I get to keep my baby boy"

"You haven't even told the people who are closest to you, You would be letting the public know about everything you've gone through over these past years, you won't have anywhere to hide if it gets twisted."

"I know that but if it means I get to keep MY baby then I'll do it, I will not let that- that abusive dickhead take another thing from me!" I shout as I stomp my foot into the ground "I will not let him take my baby away from me! he left! He is the one who didn't care! He is the one who wanted me to get rid of our- my third baby! He is the one who I would come home to and he would be already drunk! I was the one who had to deal with his shit and endure absolute hell for years! I raised Cal! I brought him into this world alone! No one was there for me when he was born! I did it alone.... I did it all alone.." I start to sob.

"Hey, hey.. shhhhhh, listen to me, we will win this, you will keep Cal with you there is no way in hell that the court will let him have Cal once they know the whole story. Also, if you don't mind me asking.. third.. baby?" Chris says with such force and sorrow that the same time.

"Umm.. Cal wasn't my first pregnancy, uhh I had two before him and umm well Blake he- he made appointments and well, that happened." I cry as I feel my walls starting to break down even more, I want to tell Chris everything but how can I trust that he will still love me?

"Mel, I'm so sorry you went through that. Why didn't you tell me?"

"What can you do about it now? Nothing. It doesn't matter anymore and in a way I'm grateful for it because I wouldn't have Cal if I didn't go thought it." I reply quickly, wanting to change the subject. "What if he wins though, Chris? I don't think I can bare him taking another thing from me, especially something as important as my baby"

"As you just said what if, what if he wins.. we can't live by "what if" we need to believe that we will win, that he will lose, that no matter what happens we will always have each other.. I will stand by you and that beautiful boy until the day I die and nothing- nothing can change that," he said with tears threatening to come out his beautiful grey/blue eyes.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me. No one has done that for me, not since Cal was born," I cry into his chest.

"You don't need to thank me, Mel. I love you and Cal with my entire heart and that's what you do when you love someone, you never have to worry about me leaving you. I'm in this for the long run, okay?"


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