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"Hey baby, I need to tell you something" I say to Cal as I lift him up onto the couch.

"Did I do something bad?" He asks with tears in his eyes

"No no no baby, you haven't done anything wrong. Mama just needs to tell you something" I say as I sit down next to him.

"Little sister!?" He shouts with a massive smile, causing Chris and I to laugh nervously.

"Oh no baby, no little sister or little brother" I reply

"Well what then?" He asks, more seriously now.

"Well, you know how it has just been you and mama?" I ask

"Yeah!" He chirps

"And you know how most people have their mama and a dad?" I ask hoping he will understand.

"Like Chelsea?" He asks as he tilts his head to the side slightly.

"Yeah baby, just like your friend Chelsea."

"Chelsea's daddy is so cool!" He squeaks.

"Yeah baby, but you have a daddy to." I say slowly to help him understand.

"Chris?!" He shouts causing Chris to laugh

"No bud I'm not your father" Chris chuckles.

"Then who?" He asks looking back at me

"Well, last night he came to the house. That's why Mama was upset."

"He made you sad!" He says angrily

"Yeah baby, but he wants to meet you so you know who he is" I say to him

"But he made you sad, mama." He says while moving closer and hugging me.

"He did baby, when you are older I can tell you why but he said he has gotten better and he finally wants to meet you. So do you want to?" I ask him as I run my fingers through his mop of hair.

"If Chris comes with" He says looking back at Chris.

"Baby, I don't think it would be safe- I don't think it will be okay for Chris to come with us" I say.

"Then I won't" He says sternly.

"I can go if you want me to come, Mel" Chris says turning around to face me.

"Okay. Okay baby Chris can come with us, are you sure you want to do this?" I need to know that he is 100 percent certain.

"I guess, but I want to stay with mama and Chris forever" he says as he gets up to go give Chris a hug.

{I apologise for this short crappy chapter but I needed to update but I am so glad that you are enjoying the story and the beautiful feedback you are sending me on Instagram, I love all of you from the bottom of my heart and I will try to update ASAP.}

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