Chapter 36🌟Devonport🌟

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" There's never a proper way or an appropriate time to correct your mistakes, all there's left is a tragically wounded yet perfect heart... ♥ "



Never assume things before they happen. We couldn't release the film until the charges were clear, we had to wait till the next week. All of our business activities were screwed, investors were agitated and the innocent director was miserable. Moreover, the writers were pissed. I couldn't contact Meera for 4 straight days. Tom was with me so were Danny and Heather. Alan was out on a family reunion trip, Paul and Tara had shifted back home.

There was no one back in Auckland to keep a check on her. I was super worried but there wasn't enough time to catch sleep and amidst press conferences, lawyer meetings and police reports I couldn't have one glance at my cell phone.

After the things were pretty much settled, we got the permission to release our movie and were freed from the fake accusations I took the very first flight back to Auckland. I had Tom with me. We had already drawn a plan to hand over the business in Auckland to another subsidiary of our company. The travel was getting tedious. Heather and Danny were staying back in Mumbai. A wedding is on the cards for them. It's only 3 months away.
Moreover, I was hopeful that the rapport Meera and I shared a week and a half ago will make things easier for us. We can move back home, closet to our family.

As I turned the key of my condo the first sight I expected of a surprised Meera, in her nightdress sitting on the sofa. But, the condo was pitch dark with curtains drawn.

Maybe, she went out for a stroll. But, it was 10 and the neighbourhood was strangely silent. I switched the lights on. The room smelled of detergent and soap as if it was thoroughly cleaned but sunlight hadn't touched a thing in here since days. Panic was an understatement for my heart. I could feel the sweat sliding down my forehead.

I should have known.

What if?

No! It's not possible. I'm just overthinking. In a swift moment, I went into the kitchen. It was spotless, no used utensils, no coffee mug, no fruits, no nothing. I opened the fridge. There was nothing except two bottles of water. The droplet of sweat finally dripped down my forehead as I grabbed one of the bottles and sat down on the sofa.

She left me, again.

Why every effing time?
Is this some kind of a habit or a game she enjoys so so much.

I left betrayed and let down. Just then my eyes fell on a piece of paper, neatly folded on the centre table.
I picked it up. It was written by Meera. She has amazing handwriting.

Don't be upset if you don't find me in the condo. I'm fine. Thank You for always being there for me, but the truth is we can never be together.
Our stars aren't aligned, I doubt they ever will be.
Thank you for loving me so much.
But, this is better for us. It's the best.
Let's not meet, again ever.
Be happy.


Ha! I scoffed. Wow!! She does it again.

She couldn't even have the guts to say she loves me. Say it at my face.


I felt agitated, exhausted and stupid. I love a woman who can never love me back. Never.
I love someone who doesn't have a heart. A selfish person who's just so messed up.

I crumbled the paper and threw it away. I banged the bottle on the centre glass table and it scattered in millions of tiny glasses. Pathetic...
You can't leave this woman alone. She's...

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