Chapter 2 🌟 The Crash 🌟

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❝  It's not an end.
It's neither A Beginning.
It's just the end of the beginning.
Saw him just once for the first time, positive to never see him again,
But Destiny already had made the plans."

It was the first time when we met...
Then we met again, & again...
It was our Destiny...

Our Heart's chosen a crazy way, &
We realized What Falling In Love Is...❞



It has almost 5 months since I started my academics at 'Trinity's University, Ohio. '

I get along well with Jenny and Tara. They are like my family now. We usually hang out together on Sundays with some other classmates.
Life's peacefully hectic with college assignments and work commitments.

Making new friends isn't my USP but I don't stop trying. I get along well with all, but I prefer not getting involved personally. I hate being cheated and deceived and most of all I hate liars.

Hence, I don't actually have a good rapport in making Boyfriends and I gave up doing that about 3 years ago.
Coz, If having a boyfriend just gives you security and belief that there's someone loving you out there and you won't die single, then it's crazy.

I don't want a security, I want a person who just makes me feel special with his presence around and loves me for who I'm, rather than transforming into a person that I don't wanna be.

That's what I've observed and experienced. People change when they are in relations and for what it's worth it's a change for worst.

Long story short, I stay aloof most of the time. It's not that I'm proud of that but that's how I'm.

Jenny informed me the other day about our neighbouring University, which happens to be a renowned Film School. That's what everyone call it.
It's Academy Of Film Arts.

One of the best in the country. It's an intriguing topic, always for me. I loved watching movies and most of the credit for that goes to my sister. One of the other reason why I wanted to line my own skills in that direction.

Mostly we had our classes four days a week and Jenny was with me since the lunch break. She had some work so she left. Our designing professor had called me for a meeting. I quickly had my ham and cheese sandwich and went to his cabin.

It was on the first floor of our vast spacious building.

" May I come in Sir? " I asked like a 7-yr old little girl.

It was too formal but after all, we were students and that's how students behave.

" Of Course Meera. I called to inform you that since you have been one of the most consistent student till the mid term you're selected as a volunteer to assist the selected team of University. The 'Mentors', as we address them happen to be in their final year. "

I was bewildered. It was a great opportunity. The Masters was a 2 year course and getting such an opportunity in the very beginning sounded great.

And Yes! Of course, I was excited. I didn't know what work I was to be entitled but I felt so overwhelmed.

" So sir, what is the task? "

" It's just that we are helping the Film School to organise their annual event. The trustees happen to be close friends.

In this you have to volunteer the Mentors with your skills in building up the entire setup for their event with your expertise in your designated area. This job will bring a great responsibility on you. You'll get all the help from the other professors. Also, since the event takes place in their campus you will be working there itself. Don't worry about the academics, we'll help you out with it. The event is really important to them as well as to us as you all are representing us. " I nodded as he explained me.

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