Ghost Cart

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Toppok Maine was enjoying it's very first joy fest and so far it was a huge hit. Almost everyone from town had came and the kids were having a blast.

Between the rides, the shows, the food, and the competition, there was more than enough to keep the whole family busy for the night. The biggest hit of course were the large selection of rides. Especially the roller coaster.

Bradley, the town's mechanic, was left in charge to rent the rides for the event. He was grateful that he got them all at a cheap price from some warehouse in Vermont. All except the "Crazy Carts Coaster" that is.

The coaster had come at a price so low that it was only a fraction of the others. When it arrived, the truck driver gave no return address and had no other information to give on the coaster.

Assuming the shipper would come to retrieve the coaster after the event, Bradley had it set up along with the other rides and didn't think much more of it.

It wasn't until the night of Joy Fest that it started acting oddly. Joy Fest began at 4:30 o'clock PM on July 18th. It said so right on the flyer, although that didn't stop people from showing up early.

It was still daylight when the event began and all was well for quite some time. But starting around dusk, the Crazy Carts Coaster began having troubles. At first it was no more than a few bumps and jerks but soon it got progressively worse.

At 7:48 PM exactly, the ride came to a full halt and stayed that way for a solid three minutes. The rides breakdown did nothing to shorten the line as the kids kept waiting for their turn to take part in the biggest thrill of the evening.

Once again, all went smoothly until a lady who appeared to be in her forties started asking around to see if anyone had seen her son. At 8:03 PM, after 30 minutes of asking around, the lady who went by Marissa began to panic.

She went from the officer on duty, Sheriff Duncer, who was currently watching the talent show. He gave no sign of worry when Marissa gave him her story. "I'm sure Jimmy's fine man. Probably just off with his friends." He told her.

Although this did nothing to improve her mood, she said no more on the subject. Instead she skulked off to find her husband who was probably drunk beyond measure.

The sun was fully set now, completely dark out. While Marissa tried to persuade her husband to put down the beer and help her find their son, the coaster came to a sudden stop once more.

After a few more minutes, it kicked back into gear and the ride lurched forward. Rob, who was operating the coaster, just couldn't figure it out. The ride kept stopping and when it finally came back down, one of the carts was always empty. As if he had left an empty ghost cart.

Robert never would leave a ghost cart when the line was as long as it was. He just simply couldn't figure it out. But once again the machine was running.

Was it going slower now? Was that just his imagination? He told himself it was let on the next load of kids. Yet again, the ride continued its smooth pace up until 10:27 PM.

This time, it stopped with a much more violent crash that was audible throughout the whole park. Everyone turned to look up at the apex of the ride where the carts stood still.

After a couple of minutes, a crowd had formed and everyone was on edge. When the sound of metal grinding on metal blasted down from the carts everyone jumped. The carts slowly began sliding down as if the tracks it instantly rusted.

The carts slid onto the loading platform and clicked into place. There was a gasping and shocked faces, the cart that had pulled and had no one in it.

Steam came from the control panel and Rob rushed to see what the trouble was. The crowd followed. He inserted the key to the control door and swung it open. This time there were more than gasps. There were screams.

Inside the coasters' base, where the gears and engines were kept, sat the head of Jimmy, Marissa's son. Around it was nothing but gore and body parts. The gears kept grinding against each other, mashing the limbs of children into nothing more than a bloody sludge of skin and bones.

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