The Hanging Tree

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Gather around children if you want to hear a tale of horrors. I will tell you all what happened that dreadful night.

It was early October and the weather was beautiful. Not to hot not too cold. All the children were outside. This is why it was so easy for him.

Not only were the children out but so was Kyle. Kyle the Killer they call him now. Kyle had alway been "off" as they say. He had no caring family. He moved from foster home to foster home with no luck.

Eventually he turned 18 and the home dumped him back into the street. They say he never really lived anywhere after that, just moved around.

Then he came to Hangington Missouri and decided he liked the place. He stayed in the shelters at night if there was room. And if there wasn't, he'd find a blanket and a hidden alley.

It was that October in Hangington that he started trying to appeal to the kids. He was fun, he understood, the kids excepted him. They liked him.

Then, on a rather rainy day, he invited them to see the old haunted Kronable place with him. They knew it was a place mothers had forbidden children from but the temptation was just too much. Besides, Kyle was there to protect them.

Kyle led the five children he had convinced through his shortcut to the old house. Right through the field on one side of the house.

It was dusk when they left and night when they were halfway through the field. Thats when Kyle stopped. He turned to the children and grinned.

The next day it was everywhere. On the news, in the papers, and most of all in the gossip. Everyone was talking about what had happened to the children up in the field by the Kronable house.

According to what the police found. Five children had been killed up in the field. Apparently a lady on the other side of the field had called when she heard screams.

What the police found was horrifying. A patch of the field had been flattened and in it sat the corpses of five innocent children.

They hadn't just been killed, the police said, they had been eviscerated in the most brutal way possible. In the mess of blood and intestine police found a single murder weapon. A large rusty nail.

They found the nail in the hand of Kyle. He slept in the blood and entrails as if it were a bed of roses. In his sleep he was smiling.

When the police cuffed him and awoke him, the smile did not falter. They took him away.

Miraculously Kyle got away with it. There was not enough evidence the judge said. Kyle went back to his normal routine. Except this time the kids would not talk to him.

Not but a week later, the father of one of the children found Kyle sleeping in the alley outside his house. He called his friends and they came eagerly.

You see, they took Kyle up to the field. They took him to the tree that stood alone in that field. They slipped a noose around his neck and hung him. He was still kicking when they left.

The next morning the police found Kyle the Killer hanging in the tree dead. And ever since it has been known as the hanging tree.

Wasn't that a creepy story kids? Dont believe me? Follow me, I'll show you myself. Dont worry, i know a shortcut we can take through the field.

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