"You Missed" (Error x Dream)

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The sun slowly rose lighting up the cave Dream and Error rested in only slightly. Dream slowly opened his eyes sun beaming down on him the sound of birds chirping filled the Error. He smiled and slowly sat up enjoying the peace he then looked at Error and froze it seemed the glitch had gotten worse. His cheeks were tinted a light yellow his breathing even more labored than before. Dream took off his gloves and placed his hand on the back of Error's head. He quickly pulled his hand away "God you're burning up!" Dream yelped his wounds must be infected if he has a fever. Dream quickly took off his cape and ran outside he and down to the river. He picked up the wood bucket that Blue always left at the bank of the river and quickly filled it with the cold water in the river. Dream quickly set down the filled bucket and placed his folded cape in the river soaking it with water he pulled it out of the river than rang it out keeping it damp with cold water. He placed his cape on the side of the bucket before he quickly made his way back to the cave making sure not to spill any water if possible. Once inside the cave Dream set the bucket down and kneeled down to Error he pushed Error up so he was in a bit of a sitting position his weight leaning on Dream who whinnied at how heavy he was. Dream slowly but surely got Error's jacket off leaving him in his Red sweater. Dream slowly set Error down before folding his jacket and lifting his head once more he placed the jacket under his head using it as a makeshift pillow. Ok, maybe it wasn't the best but it was better than nothing. He sighed as took his folded cape out of the bucket ringing it out once more before placing it on Error's head. Dream then began to heal him again hoping to at least kill off some of the infection. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours as Dream healded him. Slowly reaching his limit Dream pulled his hand away from Error the green magic quickly fading away Dream had worn himself out he should have stopped a while ago. He then turned to Error and took the cape off his head and dunked it into the bucket before ringing it out and placing it back on Error's head. Dream looked outside it had to be mid-afternoon by now, the little ball of positivity sighed and stood up his stomach crapped in hunger. He looked at Error "He has to be hungry to..." Dream sighed and made his way outside. He looked around for any fruit or animal. Dream summoned his bow he hated hurting anyone or anything but had to be done. Dream formed a magic arrow and pulled it back on the bow his eyes locked onto a squirrel climbing up a tree. Dream let the arrow go it flying through the air and into the squirrels back. Dream cringed as blood splattered onto the tree the squirrel hanging limply from the arrow. Dream walked to his kill and pulled the arrow out of the squirrels back. Dream watched as the squirrel fell into his hand staining it with blood. He let his arrow disappear into a neon blue dust that soon faded away as well as his bow. The squirrel didn't have much meat on it but it would do. Dream walked back into the cave holding the dead squirrel by the tail. He froze when he got into the cave Error was sitting up Dream's cape in his hands. Dream ran to Error dropping the squirrel "E-error what are you doing lay down!" Dream yelled in a panicked tone making Error jump then wince at the sudden action. Error brushed Dream off "I'm FiNe..." He sighed giving Dream his soaked cape back. Dream sighed and through the cape in the bucket of water "Error you need to heal lay down." Dream ushered Error ignored him making Dream growl in annoyance "Error please." he hissed slightly Error looked at Dream with a small glare. "WhY dO yOU cArE!?" Error roared hurting his throat Dream flinched but kept his ground. "I just do ok!" Dream growled back "ThAt's NoT AN aNsWeR!" Error hissed making Dream move back slightly "I CARE BECAUSE I LOVE YOU OK!? HAPPY NOW!" Dream yelled at Error tearing up at the answer that was forced out of him. He back away from the shocked Error curling up on himself hugging his knees to his chest. "DreAm..." Error whispered after a moment's silence Dream didn't say anything he just whimpered and kept his head down crying into his knees. Error winced as he moved to Dream and hugged him "What do you want?" Dream whimpered. "YoU to SmIle" Error whispered his SOUL pang with guilt seeing the smaller cry. Dream just ignored him making Error huff he then forced Dream to look at him placing both his hands on Dreams cheeks keeping him from looking away. Dream close his eyes refusing to look at Error. The glitchy skeleton sighed and wiped away Dreams tears with his thumbs the dried blood on his hand getting wet and leaving blood smears on Dreams cheeks. Error blushed slightly looking at Dream he couldn't believe someone like him liked him when he could have gotten much better than him. Error sighed screw it he wanted..no needed to give this a chance. Error placed a small kiss on Dream's nasal cavity making the smaller blush brightly. Dream slowly opened his eyes to see Error's bright yellow blush, Dream smiled slightly at this. "You missed." Error tilted his head in confusion "WhA-" Error's eyes widened as he was cut off by Dream kissing him. Dream closed his eyes his blush darkening, Error's blush darkened as well but slowly kissed back before pulling away making Dream whimper slightly. Error chuckled at this and smiled down at Dream who slowly opened his eyes "S-so...does this mean..." Dream nervously fiddled with his hands trailing off as he spoke "YeS" Dream smiled and hugged Error careful not to hurt him Error chuckled and hugged back being careful for his shoulder as he rested most of his weight on Dream. He placed a small kiss on Dreams cheek straightening up so he could reach other smallers cheek.

Dream giggled "You missed."

Error sighed and smiled shaking his head "I lOvE yoU." he chuckled kissing Dream who quickly kissed back and pulled away

"I love you too."

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