Chapter 10: Preperations

Start from the beginning

Sensing my reluctance, Sasuke growls a bit. "Open." He breaths out, lips back on mine expecting me to obey. There is command in his voice. It sends a shiver down my spine. When I don't respond immediately, one of his hands lowers itself to my chest, stroking around a bit untill he finds my nipple. He pinches it, strong but shortly, making me open my mouth to suck in a breath. I can feel Sasuke smile as he deepens the kiss again, his tongue making its way inside my mouth. Sasuke is dominating the kiss, making me moan and squirm under his undivided attention. I can feel Sasuke's want for more pressing against my stomach. Not that I can say that I'm not much better off. Sasuke slightly bucks his hips that I'm still holding onto against my stomach, pressing me further against the chair.

He pulls away from the kiss, resting his forehead against mine again, leaving us both gasping for breath. "You liked that, didn't you?" He asks with a smirk on his face. Still a bit dazed, I nod. "We're not going to continue, not yet." I let out a whimper. "Why not?" I ask almost pleadingly.

"I love you, Naruto, I really do. But I don't think I want to go further yet." Sasuke says with a furrowed brow. He looks down for a bit before looking back up at me, determination burning in his eyes. "I first want to find out more about you, what you like, what you love. What you don't like... I wanna know your weak spots so I can use them all against you when we finally do continue. I can wait. I'll make you wait too." Sasuke has a glint in his eyes I haven't seen before. It's filled with lust and possessiveness, oh yeah, but there's more. There's an urge to show me how much he cares for me and a need to show me that I belong to him. In every way imaginable.

Sasuke breaks away from me, taking a step back, holding out his hand. "Come on, it's late and it was a long day. Let's get ready for bed. You wanna take a bath before we go to sleep?" I take his hand and nod. Before long, we are seated in a hot bath together. Sasuke let me set the temperature. He had some difficulty getting in the water because it was a little too hot for him. Now I'm leaning against him, his arms around my shoulders while I just have my eyes closed leaning against his hard chest. He slowly runs his fingers over tge scars that managed to stay on me and following the lines of my tattoos. He doesn't ask about them and I don't tell. It'll be a story for another time.

I can feel his every breath and it relaxes me beyond anything. After a couple of minutes, Sasuke grabs a bottle, and puts some of the content into my hair. He massages my head, nails slightly scraping my scalp. Not being able to hold back, I let myself purr at his touch. Sasuke's movements stop for a second, before I can feel him laugh a silent laugh and continue. Yeah, I purr, stupid fox has more influence on me then I'd like. Hey, I heard that! Well, it's true! Well, yeah, but don't make it sound like a bad thing! "That's so cute." Sasuke whispers into my ear as he places kisses in the small of my neck. I guess it's not that bad then...

After getting out of the bath, Sasuke lends me one of his shirts and a clean boxer to sleep in. We snuggle into his one-person bed. Sasuke is soon asleep. I'm awake for another few hours, switching between staring at the ceiling and Sasuke's face. Still, it's so much better than being at home. Slowly, I drift off into a shallow sleep.

The next morning we are up and ready to go at six in the morning, standing on the bridge we use as our usual meeting point. We, as in Sasuke, Sakura and I, are waiting for Kaka-nii to finally show up. Of course, we expect him to be at least a few hours late. Sasuke uses the time to catch Sakura up on the events of last night after they all left. Apparently, Ino and Sakura already talks about it. When they found the time to to that, I will never know. Sakura started asking questions as soon as she saw us walking up to her. I let the answers over to Sasuke as I just stare off into the distance, leaning against the railing of the bridge.

Sakura walks up to me, placing a hand on my arm. I tense at the contact. Turning to look at her, I'm met with concern filled eyes. "Are you really okay?" She asks. "Yes, I am. They did not have the chance to harm me."

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