Getting to know each other

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After the man commented on the four they were soon on the roof of the Ninja Academy, the man leaning on the metal gate while crossing his arms "Now, I'd like you all to tell us a little about yourself" Said the man "Like what?" Asked Naruto confused tilting his head "...You know, the usual. Your favorite thing...What you hate most...Dreams, ambitions, hobbies, things like that" Said the man.

"Help us out here, coach. You go first, show us how it's done" Said Naruto "That's right...After all, you're a complete stranger to us...A mystery" Said Sakura, Rokudo facepalms himself "How stupid can you be!?" Asked Rokudo in his head but decided not to say anything.

"Oh...Me? My name is Hatake Kakashi, I'm the kind of person who doesn't feel like talking about his likes and dislikes! My dreams for the future are none of your business...But anyway, I have lots of hobbies" Said the man known as Kakashi-sensei making Rokudo sweatdrop

But anyway, I have lots of hobbies" Said the man known as Kakashi-sensei making Rokudo sweatdrop

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 "You're kidding right?" "Hey...He said a lot...But all we really learned was his name" Said Sakura as Naruto agreed with her "Now, it's your turn, starting with you on the right" Said Kakashi-sensei looking at Naruto.

"Me, right?! My name is Uzumaki Naruto! What I like is instant cup ramen! What I like even better is when Iruka-sensei treats me to Ramen at the Ichiraku Noodle Bar!! What I hate is the three-minute wait after I pour in the boiling water. My dream is one a better shinobi than Lord Hokage!! And then all the villagers will have to acknowledge my existence at last!!" Said Naruto "Well, hasn't he turned out interesting..." Said Kakashi-sensei in his head "My hobbies are...Pranks and practical jokes, I guess" Said Naruto "Next" Said Kakashi-sensei pointing at Rokudo.

"My name is Haruno Rokudo, what I like is training and music, what I hate is...Well I won't tell you what I hate, that's none of your business, my hobbies are training, taking walks, and singing, my dream is to become the strongest Sannin in the world so my parents can finally acknowledge me and maybe in the future have a family of my own"

Sasuke blushed and looked away hoping nobody didn't see, but a certain Hatake did who was smirking under his mask.

Naruto's POV

He is just like me, he wants to be acknowledged like me.

Sasuke's POV

He wants to start a family!! I can imagine little Rokudo's running around the Haruno House!!! Rokudo will be mine and I'll be his!!!

Sakura's POV

Become a sannin?! So what!? He can be better than me and my Sasuke-kun!? How can a freak like him become a sannin!?

3rd POV

"Next," Said Kakashi-sensei "My name is Uchiha Sasuke. There are plenty of things I hate, but I don't see that it matters, considering there is almost nothing I do like" Said Sasuke as he glances at Rokudo without him noticing "It seems pointless to talk about " Dreams"...That's just a word...But what I do have is determination. I plan to restore my clan, and there's someone I have sworn ...To kill" Said Sasuke "He is so cool!" Said Sakura in her head as she blushed "Sure hope it's not me..." Said Naruto in his head getting a bit scared "I suspected as much" Said Kakashi-sensei in his head.

"And finally...The young lady" Said Kakashi-sensei "I am Haruno Sakura, my favorite thing is...well it's not a thing, it's a person. A boy...and that boy is...uh...Let's move on to my dream" Said Sakura as she blushes and squeals "I hate Naruto and Rokudo" Said Sakura, Naruto anime cried and Rokudo rolled his eyes and looked away already used to being hated by her.

"It sounds as though young girls...are more interested in love than ninjutsu" Said Kakashi-sensei in his head with a disappointed sight "I believe we all understand one another. Formal training begins tomorrow" Said Kakashi-sensei "Yes sir! What will our duties be?! Our first real shinobi mission!" Said Naruto pumped up "Our first project involves only the members of this cell" Said Kakashi-sensei "What is it? What?" Asked Naruto with excitement in his voice "Survival Exercise" Said Kakashi-sensei.

"Survival Exercise? But why would that be a mission?" Asked Naruto, looking confused "Our school days were full of survival training," Said Sakura "But you'll have to survive...against me. It won't be your typical practice" Said Kakashi-sensei, Sakura and Naruto looked at him confused "Well, then, what kind of practice will it be?" Asked Naruto, Kakashi-sensei snickered, getting both Sasuke and Rokudo's attention "What are you laughing about, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that...if I told you, you'd chicken out" Said Kakashi-sensei "Chicken out...? Why?!" Naruto asked "Of the twenty-seven members of your graduation class, only nine will actually be accepted as junior-level shinobi. The other eighteen must go back for more training. The test we are about to perform has a 66% rate of failure" explained Kakashi-sensei, Naruto and Sakura were shocked while Sasuke and Rokudo glared.

Kakashi-sensei started laughing "See? You're chickening out already!" "That sucks!!! We have been through hell! What about our graduation test?!" Asked Naruto still shocked "Oh! We wanted to eliminate all cases from your ranks. The ones who are left are the only students who show true potential" Said Kakashi-sensei "Say what?!!" Asked Naruto and Sakura "In any event, we'll meet tomorrow morning on the practice field so that I can evaluate each of your skills and weaknesses, bring all of your ninja tools and weapons, and don't have breakfast beforehand...unless you enjoy throwing up" Said Kakashi-sensei, Rokudo looked at Naruto to see he was shaking violently. 

"The details of your assignment are in this handout, memorize it, and don't be late" Said Kakashi-sensei as he handed each of them a paper "Throw up? How hard is this exercise going to be?!" Asked Sakura as she panicked, Rokudo looked at the paper studying it, "I can't fail! That would mean leaving Sasuke-kun... This is like a test of my love!!" Said Sakura in her head as she looked at the paper, Sasuke threw the paper away, "Aww, man! It's all in kanji!" Naruto yells in his head as he was looking at the paper.


Right after Rokudo and Sakura got home, Rokudo getting his daily beatings, Rokudo locked himself in his room, studying the paper Kakashi-sensei gave him, training, and getting his weapons ready for tomorrow.

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