77. Knows More than Told

Start from the beginning

Why would he ask this? Of course he knows me! Then why would he?

"Surprised, huh? Surprised by my words." He asked bringing his hand in front of him, settling his head to most comfort at headrest.

I found myself nodding before I stopped chiding inside.

"Well, with time we know better, people allow us to know them better, have you heard about this."

I so wanted to groan and walk off but something in me stopped me, encouraging me to stand and listen to his preposterous gibberish. Because it wasn't gibberish, it was not at all.

"Yes, I guess, that's how it happens." Licking my lips, I found myself mumbling out for his statement.

"It takes time to finally know the person. Some time we take, but eventually we find the real face behind the mask they put."

Has he been spending time with Sir Gerard lately? I wondered as I kept staring at the mysterious man lately.

I took a resigned breath, exhaling it; I took a step further sensing the palpation of fear nagging inside.

"Why are we talking about this and what happened to you, have you met with an accident." I mumbled concerned, another motive was to skip this intellectual speech which was making me uncomfortable.

"No and yes." He bit out. I shuddered when his flint gaze cast to my face, as he leisurely continued, "I have been but you'll too when Majesty will know."

My heart stilled in my chest when he blinked, Gideon's mention brought me to stiffness.

What will he know? What's he talking about?

"What will he know?" I heard myself in a mere whisper, sweat has started to cover my neck, this time it isn't fear but terror of unknown kind.

"He'll know what you're trying to hide, Miss. Adventure." He whispered back, the malignancy in it was screaming in my ears.

"What—I'm try—ing to hide?"

Words weren't coming out whether it was the eccentric terror or his malice aura, I was not sure though.

"It's exactly, I'm asking; let's start again, shall we?" he flashed a huge smirk.

Straightening with a grunt, he placed his arms on the desk, keeping an impassive stone face, he gave me one last blow which shattered my courage to step back and run. I was terrified. Beyond measure!

I cursed myself as I braced myself.

"What are you?"

"Why suddenly this question Mr. McCoy?" I feigned the confidence hiding behind the deception. But he displayed no signs to reason along.

Heaving a sigh, I went along, "I'm the employee of A V Inc. transferred from the states of—"

"No, no Miss. Adventure. Not the mask, we just established, we give people time to know their true self. What I meant now is your true identity, who are you?"

"That's what I'm. Niera William, what else you think I'm hiding?" McCoy seems intrigued at me exasperation.

"Everything," he shrugged at ease, "You can hide everything."

I was on the verge of rolling my eyes at his pantomime, nothing was making sense.

"I'm sorry, but I guess you need to rest. I don't know what has happened but you surely need rest, since nothing makes sense to me."

"It'll, surely it'll make sense to you. Let me elaborate." He stirred, shuffling his legs to get one comfortable position; apparently his legs couldn't keep it to one position for long.

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