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The next week at school is a little hectic. There are still rumors about the whole Logan being drugged situation, even though he's feeling a lot better and is starting to look like his normal self again. He came back to school like nothing ever happened. I expected that though. He mostly just made jokes about it. As far as Crystal, she got expelled but Logan didn't press charges against her, he just got a restraining order.

Logan and I are in a good place and our tree house is slowly coming along. So far, we have gotten the whole staircase fixed and stained and we started working on the patio. Things start dying down towards the end of the week and by Friday everything is pretty peaceful.

"I'm so excited for the away game this weekend!" Sophia squeals as we walk to the cafeteria.

Tomorrow is our first away game of the season and everyone is extra cheerful today. I'm even a bit excited myself. I love away games, they are definitely the best games to go to.

"Yeah me too" I chuckle swinging my arm around her shoulder. I'm only a little bit taller than her but I use it to my advantage. "It's gonna be fun"

We sit down in our normal spot. Sophia next to Austin and me in between Logan and Sophia. He is having a conversation with someone else across the table so I don't bother speaking to him yet. I take a bite of my sandwich and scroll through Instagram on my phone while I wait for an opening to talk to him.

Suddenly he puts his hand on my thigh and starts rubbing it. I look up at him and he is still having a conversation with one of the football players. I carefully remove his hand and sit it back on his lap. But he puts it right back on my thigh, this time higher. I smack his hand away, but not loud enough for people to hear. He turns to face me.

"Come on captain, I know you were enjoying it" He is giving me his heartthrobing smirk.

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't but people are starting to look" I lie.

I definitely was enjoying it.

And people definitely weren't looking I'm just not sure about the PDA. I know homecoming day was a big step for us, but still nothing has yet to be established, and I don't want people to assume things.

Maybe I don't want to assume things.

I'm just not really sure what's going on.

Shrugging his shoulders, he places his hand back on my thigh rubbing it. I roll my eyes but continue to eat my food, letting him keep his hand there for the rest of the lunch period.

After school we have the last practice before the away game. It's a pretty light practice and we are just running through a few of the new cheers we have been learning and then doing lots of stretching. We also went over the rules for the trip which include, no going into the opposite sex's room and no staying out past twelve. We also discussed what time the bus would be leaving tomorrow and things like that.

I'm the last one to leave the locker room after practice. When I walk out I see Logan still on the field running drills. After about fifteen minutes of waiting I walk down to the field from the bleachers to see what is taking him so long. He is my ride and I would like to go home sometime soon.

"Anything I can help you with?" I ask walking up to him.

"Not unless you can make me a protein shake" he grunts as he does sit ups.

"I can do that" I smile.

"Sit on my back" he says getting in a push-up position.

I look at him confused by what he's asking me to do. He moves his head in the direction of his back signaling me to get on. I reluctantly sit on his back crossing my legs and he starts doing push-ups using me as weight.

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