{"I have something to blackmail you with"}

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The next morning I wake up and take a shower getting ready for the day. I don't know what's gonna happen today, but hopefully it's nothing like yesterday. Honestly I could use a break, and it's only the second day of school.

After another hour and a half, I pull into the school parking lot. Sophia started ditching my rides for Austins so we just meet at our lockers in the morning. As I walk to my locker and start to get my books for my morning classes, I realize Sophia is nowhere in sight. I'm confused because we always meet here at the same time in the morning, and I would know if she wasn't coming to school because she always texts me.

I wait for her until the last minute before walking into class and still Sophia is nowhere to be found. I sit down and as soon as the final bell rings, Sophia runs in looking slightly disheveled and attempts to fix her hair. Our teacher glares at her as she walks fast to her seat next to me with her eyes glued to the ground.

I lean over to her and whisper. "Where were you?"

"In the gym" she wiggles her eyebrows and smiles.

"Oh ew that's just nasty" I playfully gag.

"Oh hush we weren't doing anything. I was just having a super hot make out session with my super hot boyfriend" she teases. I roll my eyes and give my attention to the teacher as she starts the lesson.

When lunch comes I tell Sophia that I'm going to the library to study for a test. In truth, I just don't want to see Logan. Yes I am avoiding him, and I will continue to avoid him until I figure out...well, just until I figure this out. I groan sitting down at a desk in the far corner, away from the door, and pull out my laptop to work on my essay for English class that we somehow got assigned the second day of school. Doing work has always been a good distraction for me. I pull up the document and begin typing letting my brain only focus on the words I'm typing and letting every other thought float to the back of my head.

After school, practice is canceled because it's supposed to be a really bad thunderstorm. People scatter really quickly from the parking lot but I still decide to run a few laps just because running helps me clear my head. Plus, the storm isn't supposed to be for another half hour, I'll leave before it gets too bad. I don't mind a little rain, I love the rain.

After I change I go out on the track. It starts to rain a little during the first lap but I don't mind because it's really light and a little rain never hurt anyone. I put my phone and earbuds back in my bag so that they don't get wet. Plus the sound of rain is more pleasant to listen to. Then I start on my second lap.

This whole thing with Logan is really messing with my head and I have no idea why. It's like I can't stop thinking about it. I really can't stop thinking about the dance, it's like haunting me. I also can't figure out why it was something he wanted to talk about. There is nothing to talk about. Nothing happened

As soon as I hit the fourth lap, it starts pouring. I mean really heavy and really cold rain. My clothes get soaked and my vision instantly blurs. Every time I attempt to rub my eyes they just get blurry again. I can't see anything and I start to panic. I can't see a clear enough path to get to my car, or anywhere for that matter. Lightening comes making my heart beat so fast I think it might leap out of my chest. Then I hear the thunder.

I think I might cry.

This was such a bad idea.

"What the hell are you doing out here!" someone yells at me. I don't know where the voice is coming from but I know exactly who the voice belongs to.

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