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"You've gotta be shitting me" You say as you wake up in your bedroom at The Spot.

"Good morning sunshine, the Earth says hello" Hoseok says, walking in with hot steamy tea on a tray.

"Bitch, sunshine my ass, I am literal satan" You say, sitting up in your bed, letting Hobi sit the tray on your lap.

He chuckles. "Anyway, i'm sorry about last night...boss just-". You hold your hand up to stop him and take a sip of your tea.

"Don't mention it, i'm used to this hell already" You sigh. "Well I mean...Satan  does belong in hell so...it looks like your in the right place to me".

You look at him and glare. "Don't make me tell Taehyung you just dissed me. He'll literally beat you to hell...the actual one".

He scoffs. "Also. Training will be after you eat breakfast, so go quick like Sonic, babe" He says and walks out.

This time, it was your turn to scoff. "Aish. These nicknames are killing me" You mumble and roll your eyes as you take yet another drink of your tea.

"BEHIND YOU Y/N!" Taehyung shouts. You then kick the stunt man in the head. "Awesome!" He says and claps.

This time, Tae had gotten stunt men to train with, which was pretty handy.

"Okay. Jungkook and I shall start training" Taehyung says and almost shoves you out off the training platform.

"Why can't I train with you all?" You say after scoffing for the nth time today. "Because. We are a higher level than you darling" He says as if you were a 5 year old.

You sigh and sit down on a near by bench by all the others. "Get used to it, Y/n. Taehyung loves to have Jungkook all to himself" Namjoon says.

You put the sweat towel on your shoulder and take a large gulp of your water. "It's not like i'm gonna take his Jungkookie away from him" You say.

"I know, but Tae is just overprotective like that..." Namjoon replies. Yoongi comes over and sits by you. "How are you holding up, princess?" The blonde asks.

"I'm just hanging in there. Thanks for asking though" You say and wipe some of the sweat off your forehead.

He nods. "I'm glad your back even though I know you hate this place..." He says. You nod. "At least you all are nice to me...I mean Taehyung isn't really kind to anybody..but hey, ya get whatcha get" You sigh and looks down at your hands.

Yoongi then takes your hand into his and squeezes it. "It's gonna get better, trust me." He reassures.

You look at him and nod. You still questioned if Kim Taehyung was your brother and if he was, why is he like this?

Was his actual father like this? Is that why your mother had filed for divorce?

You sigh. You couldn't get away from these questions, they were simply drowning you.

"Wanna another round, Jungkookie?" Taehyung asks, as he brushes his fingers through his blonde locks.

"Eh. Let Y/n go" The raven haired says and sits down. Taehyung glares but then huffs.

"Okay....Y/n get back up. Train some more..." He grumbles and walks to the bench.

You get up and then go onto the training platform. (Listen to this while this goes onnnn.)

You raise an eyebrow and start to strut toward the stunt men. One of the men run up and attempt to punch you but you quickly catch their hand and flip them over your shoulder.

The  next man tries to kick you but you flip over them and then punch them from behind in the head, making him fall to the ground.

Then the other man runs up behind you and grabs you by the waist. You heel him in the crotch.

He groans in pain and falls, letting you out of his grasp. Suddenly two men grab you and you elbow them both.

They don't fall but the drop you making time for you to flip over them. Another man was simply just trying to block you so you karate kicked him square in the head.

Then at the end there was a man with a nerf gun. He starts to shoot and you dodge every single one by doing many of the flips and rolls you had learned.

You finished him off with a punch and a simple kick in the stomach. You smiked. You did it.

You then walk off the platform seeing all of the boys with their jaw on the ground.

"That was..." Namjoon starts. "Hot" Jungkook finishes. Taehyung hits him in the head.

"I could do that any day, Kookie" Tae whines. "But You didn't do it today" The raven boy replies still staring at you.

"Anyway, I think I'm gonna go catch a shower, thanks for letting me practice" You say, then wink.

You walk out knowing that all eyes were following you. They thought you were badass.

The Psycho Mafia Boss [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now