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"Alright, so this would be our suspect over here-" Taehyung gets stopped by his phone ringing.

"Ah- hello?" He says. All you could hear was mumbling on the other side of the phone so you decided to check the time.

The clock read 9 pm.

You sigh as you set your head atop your hand and take a bite out of your now cold toast...yes you were having toast for dinner.

All the sudden Taehyung hangs up and starts rushing around the room. "Y/n get everything you need, we're going on our first mission, hurry up" Tae rushes.

Your eyes widen as you hurry to get your shoes and jacket. You follow Taehyung outside only to see Jin in the car waiting for you all to get in with the others.

"Y/n go sit in between Jungkook and Jimin, they'll tell you what to do" Taehyung says as he gets into the passenger seat.

You nod and climb to the back, where Jungkook and Jimin were. They all had masks on and as soon as you see that, they hand you one.

"Put it on, quickly" Jimin says. You do as told. "Okay, Y/n there are two bank tellers inside the bank we're going to at the moment so you'll atttact the guy, i'll attract the girl, then we'll sneak behind the counter and handcuff them, the rest will do what they need. Also never, and I mean never get distracted, got it?" Jimin states.

You nod. The car was noew going at least 85 mph and you were honestly very nervous.

The adrenaline in your veins was pumping more than ever and it was making you shake a bit.

Finally you all come to a sharp hault and everyone begins to climb out. "Namjoon, use the laser to cut a nice hole to climb through, Yoongi go along with him with your weapons, Hoseok go along with them two and pic pocket their ID's and credit cards,  Jin park around the corner and don't look hella sketchy, Jungkook walk in with Y/n and Jimin, while they dirstact, sneak in behind the suspects and grab them as fast as you can, if you need help i'll be back up" Taehyung rushes.

Everyone nods. Yoongi starts to walk along with Namjoon but whispers "you got this" in your ear before walking away. Suddenly, Jimin grabs your wrist and drags you along and then finds a vent.

He unscrews the screws and gets the vent door off the outside of the building.

"Go, inside, now" He orders. You nod and crawl inside, Jimin behind you. "Take a left, then after that take another left then on your right there will be another vent, let me get infront of you to get through that one" Jimin whispers.

You nod and take his directions. Once you were to the vent you heard a big sound and then Yoongi yell "Put your hands up, don't move them or you'll get shot".

You were basically having a seizure you were shaking so much. Jimin slipped past you and unscrewed the vent.

He then tied a rope to a random peg and slid down the rope silently. He then motioned you on to slid down but you hesitated.

He rolled his eyes and waved you down again. You sigh and do it. You all were now behind the two bank tellers, who had no ides that you all were behind them.

The two workers had their hands up and werent moving an inch. At the front of the counter, you saw Yoongi holding out a huge gun ready to shoot and Namjoon preparing bombs on the safe on the wall.

You take a silent exhale. You were scared as hell. Then you hear a slight sound from above you.

You look up to see Jungkook by the vent, but he hadn't come down yet. He gave you a big bunny smile and a thumbs up. You nod.

All the sudden he droops you his phone and ear buds that were playing music. You looked at him confused and he motioned for you to put them in.

You make an 'o' shape with your mouth and plug them in. The song was 'Killing Me' by IKON (play it to get in the mood ;)) Next, you strut to the man bank teller and then crawl up his back with your fingers to his neck.

He had been reaching for the 'emergancy' button for the sirens to go off but you said "I wouldn't do that if I were you" and take his chin and turn it so his face was now facing you.

He looks at you frightend and tries to get out of your grasp, but you didn't let that happen so easily.

You looked up at him with innocent yet challenging eyes filled with fire. You start to rub your hand from his neck to his chest.

"So tell me..." You pause to look at his name tag. "Seungkwan, why did you get this job?" You ask in a soft, low tone.

"U-uhm, I would love to answer your question but we're getting r-robbed" He stutter.


It wasn't working...

do more with your body...

You start to circle him and flick your hair every once and a while. You make sure to sway your hips.

Then you bring him in by the shoulders and get really close to his face.

Your eyes flicker to his lips but back to his eyes. He seemed to be iffy but more tranced.

Man, acting class pays off

All the sudden he blinks and shoves you off him and reaches back for the red button but then Jungkook hops down from the vent and jerk him back.

He shoves him up against the wall, turns him around, and cuffs him. "4DA I NEED BACK UP" Jungkook says into his walky talky.

All the sudden Taehyung slides down the rope and gets the man bank teller and puts a rag over his mouth and it just so happens to pass him out.


He takes 'Seungkwan' to Jin's truck that was now infront of the bank. "YGI89 GET THE REGISTERS, NMJ67, GET EVERYTHING YOU CAN IN THE SAFE, NOW!" He calls from the walky talkys.

Your eyes were hella wide now seeing how chaotic this was. You felt as if the walls were closing in on you as you watched everyone rush around to do their job.

Sweat began to run down your forehead and you fekt warm tears form your eyes.

It was the beginning of a panic attack...

You start to take gigantic breaths as you slide down the wall in fear as if you had no control, what so ever.

All the sudden you feel strong arms pick you up and you felt yourself outside.

You were put in a car, but since you had lost control, you didn't really process anything at the moment.

"Y/n? Y/n! Y/N! Y/N!?!?"

Your name being called slowly faded out as you felt your head pound, you were dizzy and felt your eyes get heavy.

The Psycho Mafia Boss [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now