The Mary Alice Brandon File

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Little scene with Alice. Found it, and i think it's kinda cool so, enjoy!

I cried typing this. :'(


It was a peaceful day at the mental asylum. The sky a cloudless blue, and birds chirping in the distance. A loud scream was heard, and the guy that was picking up trash looked towards the Mental asylum with a quirked eyebrow.


another scream was heard, and doctors walk through the halls.

"Female. 19, delusional. She's the one claiming she has visions."

The doctor explains looking at her assistant. They walk into Mary's room, and see her squirming at moving around in the small tiny bed.

"Mary Alice, Friend."

They continue to strap her down so she won't be able to move.

"I shouldn't be here. My father just wanted to get rid of me." Mary tries to explain. The guy with the binder looks over at Mary as she continues to strap her down. "Is your name, Mary Alice Brandon?" He questions looking up then back over to Mary. "Y-Yes, but i'm not sick." She stutters looking at the man. "Well it says here, you have been having visions." He tells her. The nurse injects a needle in her arm, and she squirms.

(I'm making up a name for the nurse okay? Okay.)

Jasmine puts a sponge looking headpiece on the sides of her head, and a chew piece in her mouth. "There is something wrong with you. But we are going to fix it." She says nodding going back to whatever she was doing. She turns it up to eighty, and the man continues writing in his notebook. She presses a button, and Mary jolts up as she grits the mouth piece with her teeth.

Visions of her were playing in her mind as her eyes were closed. A man was cutting off her hair...

She was running in the dark night wearing a white. Dress.

One of when she was a kid...

"Momma? Momma?" Young Mary says from where she stood. "Just hold on Alice." A woman says putting on an old fashioned hat.

She was brought back to reality, and she screamed momma from her mouth. But it was hard to make anything out because of the mouth piece. She spits it out, and was breathing heavily.

"The shots trigger your memories. Yes, says here she recently lost her mother in a traumatic accident."

Jasmine puts the mouthpiece back in her mouth. She presses the button, and was jolted into a memory once again.


Young Alice gave her mother her blue umbrella. A smile was plastered to her face, and she looks up at her mother. Her father walks towards them, and closes his watch. "There's not a cloud in the sky Mary Alice." Her father told her. "It's gonna rain. I know it is." She says smiling up at her mother once again. "Well, you are always right." Her mother, Anna Marie. Mary smiles towards her father, and he gives a fake one in return.


"Well, you are always right." Anne says as it poured down rain.


After that vision, Mary stared out the door of her room. Walking over to her bed, She goes to her secret hole. Making sure no one was around, she stuck her finger in that hole pulling out a pen and paper.

'My name, is Mary Alice Brandon. I'm 19 years old. I was born, in Biloxi Mississippi.'

She heard her roomate shifting, and was about to cry in her sleep, and Mary smiled grabbing her roommates hand. Her roomate smiled as well, and went back to sleep.

'I had a little sister...'


Back in the same room as before.. . .

Mary laid on the bed resting her eyes as Nurse Jasmine put the headpiece over the sides of her head. Flicking the switch, she jolts into another memory.


Mary sat with her mother, and played with her hair. Putting little pink flowers in it. She puts one on her mothers pregnant belly as well. "And one for you little sister." Mary says smiling. Anne looks at Mary excitedly. "It's a girl isn't it?" She asks with hopeful eyes. Mary smiles and nods. "We'll call her Cynthia." Anne says nodding towards Mary. "But... Let's wait til after she's born to tell your father. Not everybody likes to know what happens before it does." Anne tells Mary. 


'There's nothing wrong with me. . . '

Mary leaned against the wall. "There's nothing wrong with me." She repeats her thoughts. 

"There's nothing wrong with me."

She says once more. Hearing another girl scream from another room. "My name is Mary Alice Brandon. I'm 19 years old. I was born in.." She looks ahead as she tries to remember where she was born. "I was born in.." She struggles. "I was born in." Mary's hands hold the paper, and she glares and furrows her eyebrows. Frustrated, she opens the paper. "I was born in,Biloxi Mississippi. I have a little sister. Cynthia. My mother was murdered." 


She was in the same hospital bed as before. The same headpiece goes on the sides of her head. The man with the binder lights a fire putting it in his pipe. 


She was running again. But through the woods.

"I saw it in a vision... There was a man. He drove a Model T, and he had a big banner. He ran his buggy right off the rode. On purpose. He made sure he'd kill her before he drove away. If I had seen it just a little bit earlier I could've saved her. But I was to late. You have to believe me."

Mary says trying to tell her father. 

(I'm scared now 0_0)

"Father..." She tries again. "It wasn't an accident." Mary explains. He turns around. 

"Enough of your stories! Do you hear yourself? it's the same."

Her father walks away leaving her standing there alone. 


"It's to painful." 

Nurse Jasmine looks over at Mary. "The treatment?" Jasmine asks. Working on something. "The memory." Mary mummers. 

~I'm doing a time skip. DON'T HATE ME~

Mary predicted it was going to rain before her treatment. But after. . . 

"It's pouring out there." The man says astonished. Mary lays her head sideways smiling. "How are you feeling Ms. Brandon?" The man asks walking towards Mary. She sits up, and looks at her hands. "It's you." Nurse Jasmine says. "Mary Alice Brandon." She informs. "Oh." She laughs. "Oh well." She sat there, and looked up smiling.




Now you guys know the backstory of Alice Cullen. My favorite cheerful vampire. I'm tempted to do one of Edward, then do one of Evalyn. Because, as some of you may know, She's half vampire. So, her story isn't over just yet. ;) You'll find out in just a few chapters! Keep a look out for Edwards backstory! (If I find it. Eh heh) 



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