Helping Alice

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                                                        Evalyns' POV


"Evalyn. I need your help." She told me. My eyes widened. "Alice, what happened?" I asked her. Her face was hard. Eyes a dark black. it scared me a little. "It's Jasper. I see him going back to Texas." She told me. I dropped my phone on the floor. Tears filled my eyes. She hugged me. I quietly sobbed into her shoulder blade. "It's going to be okay." She tried to soothe me. I wiped my tears. "How is it going to be okay Alice? How? A girl named, I don't even want to remember her name. She tried to take Jasper from me Centries ago. She wanted him to join her army. But I refused. I refused because I didn't want to lose him, Alice!" I told her. Sitting in a crying position on my bed. "Come on. Let's go back to my house. Edward is there. And so is the rest of them." She told me. I don't know why, but I don't want to talk to Jasper. I want to see Edward a little more for some reason. Alice pulled me on her back, and we raced off. "Wait! Alice, what about Charlie and Bella?" I asked her through the gust of wind. "I saw them still asleep when you are over here. You're fine." She told me. I sighed and held on tighter to her. 

                                            Time Skip

"Are you sure this is what you wanna do? what about Evalyn?" I heard Carlisle ask him. "I know. She is probably going to be mad at me. I just want to see Amelia again." he murmured. "You're damn right I'm going to be mad," I told him angrily, jumping off of Alice. "I-i can explain!" He tried. Tears filled my eyes. "MAIRA WAS THE ONE WHO TRIED TO TURN ME GODDAMNIT! AND DON'T USE YOUR POWER ON ME! I WANT TO BE MAD JAZZ! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? SHE HATES ME! SHE COULD TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!" I cried to him. He tried to come to me. Edward got in front of me. Blocking me from him. Alice sped to me and hugged me. Mason rubbed my back. "I promise I'll be back." He told me and left. "I promise, I'll be there for you when he is gone. Sit with us at lunch Evalyn." Edward told me. "Eddie, I already sit with you guys," I told him. 'Dummy'. I playfully thought. "I'm no dummy." He told me and smirked. "What did I do to deserve you  guys?" I asked. They all chuckled and gave me a group hug.

I love them so much.


Thank you all soooo much! I'm so so so sorry for not uploading in a while. I love that you guys want me to update it! Iv'e been busy wit school, studying, and  a LOT of homework! 

Anyways, I had to change my email account since my last one wasn't working...

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Read my story awesome dudes and dudetts!

lels. Took me a few hours to do that.....

Anyway, vote, and comment!

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