Alone at School

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Songs at Concert:
- Joy to the world (non religious)

- How Far I'll Go

Grace's POV

     We had a concert. I didn't understand why. My parents, well they couldn't come. I was too embarrassed to Iris Message anyone about it. It's just- the songs. They are too cheesy. I actually think that one of the songs is offensive to Calypso. I mean it talks about leaving an island. No one knows that better than her. I walked up to the bleachers, where we stand, and sighed. Everyone was waving to their parents. Sally would have come, but I didn't tell her.
     Paul already drove home, I think. I knew I was alone. I was the one frowning kid among all the others, who were smiling. I was the one who knew I wouldn't be given congratulatory remarks. I was the outsider.
     When the concert finished, my dignity went gallivanting along with it. I sigh and sit on the bleachers for a few minutes. Realizing that might rise suspicion, I stand up and mingle with my classmates. Soon enough, they filter out of the gym, and I do the same, even though I have no one to go home to.
I walk around the school for a bit. I look in classrooms to see if a teacher needs help with something. All to cover up the fact that I am alone. I walk into Mrs. McGillian's room, who is the art teacher. Her room smells of clay, paint, and art supplies.
She smiles at me. "Hi, Grace. What are you doing here?"
I think. "Uh, community service?"
Great answer.
Mrs. McGillian tasks me to erase the chalkboard, organize the supply cabinets, and wash the paintbrushes. It's better than admitting I might stay here for the night. I fold up some smocks for good measure, and leave.
Now what?
I mill around the school, helping a few more teachers. When all the teachers have been assisted, I walk to the high school. I decide to go to their main office, because someone I know could be here.
    I smiling women was at the front desk. She wore a blue blazer and a black dress with a name tag that read MRS. TYHMBERG.
"Excuse me," I said," I go to the elementary school and I got lost and got left here. Do you know where my brother is?"
Mrs. Tyhmberg clicks something on a computer. "What is your brother's name?"
I hear the office door slam. I turn around and I big burly dude with a letterman jacket smirks.
"It's alright Mrs. Tyhmberg. She's my sister," the boy lied. He dragged me out of the office, a firm grip on my arm.
"Are you Jackson's sister? Or that emo kid?" he asks, his fist clenching my shirt.
I nod wildly, afraid of him.
He smirks again, and leads me to a hallway near the library.
"I already beat up your brothers. You won't be much of a challenge," He says, throwing me against the wall.
My body shakes, and I begin to call for help.
"Don't call for help, or I'll kick you harder," he orders, kicking me in the stomach.
I groan in agony, and he kicks me again.
"No talking!" he barks.
I let the pain sink in. He hits me, kicks me, punches me. All of it. I moan, receiving yet another kick.
I decide to try my luck one last time. I knew they wouldn't hear, but it was worth a shot.
"Percy!" I scream.
The boy kicks me again, and I am on the verge of blacking out.

Percy's POV

We are sitting at the Goode High library, trying to study. Everyone is disoriented. Everyone has been disoriented since Grace moved out. We are going over flashcards of something, which wasn't working at all, when we heard a scream. It was Grace. We all rush out of the library, to see Derek looming over her. Grace was covered in scars and bruises. Annabeth and Thalia slowly take her away from the wall. Calypso and Hazel run around wildly to heal her. Clarisse cursed and began to pull out Maimer. I held her back.
She twisted out of my grasp. "Back off, Prissy."
"Maimer wouldn't even hurt him," I hissed.
"Fire hurts," Leo stated, chucking a fireball at him.
We all gasp in shock.
He rolls his eyes. "Oh please, guys. He's not dead."
We all make a conscious decision to back away from Leo.
Grace's eyes flutter open. "What even happened?"
Thalia points to Derek. "Look."
Grace nods. "Leo threw a fireball at him, right?"
Thalia nods. "Yup."
Grace shakes her head. "Idiot."
We drive home in the limo. Grace looks hopeful for a second, but I shake my head. The other demigods leave, but I hold her down.
"Percy,"she whines.
"We have to keep driving," I say.
She crosses her arms and pouts as a response.
I begin to drive, and Grace looks more annoyed with every second that we get farther from the demigod house.
When we arrive, I assist her with her crutches, which she punches me for, and we walk up to her apartment. I knock on the door. Mom opens it.
She hugs us both. "Oh thank you so much Percy. Where were you, Grace?"
"At school," my little sister responds sheepishly.
"Why?" Mom asks.
"Um, I forgot to come home?" Grace improvises.
"Bye Mom, bye Grace," I say waving. Grace is escorted inside as thoughts of why she was at school cloud my mind.

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