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This is not a chapter, I post too many of those a day. But then again, it is Percy Jackson. You are probably asking why I am posting this. Well, I just got really attached to another fictional character (like I don't have enough of those moments. I mean to name off the top of my head, the seven, Clarisse, Grover, Sally Jackson, Thalia, Nico, Will, Reyna, Zoë fricking Nightshade and Bianca because Rick loves killing amazing characters, and uh, LEO MCSHIZZLE BAD BOY SUPREME VALDEZ!!!!!!!! Leo is so awesome he gets to be mentioned twice.) Anyway, this fictional character is none other than Grace Jackson.

At first, I thought that she would be kind of small, and mainly have it focus on Percy and every other person Rick and JK Rowling invented. Again, I was proven wrong. Grace is kind of the person I wish I was. And she's lucky, she has Percy as an older brother. She is just bubbly, adorable, and so amazing to me. I always think little cute moments in my head with Grace and Percy and put it in the book. I replay the scene that my imagination created, and I end up smiling. Like the part when Grace thought Percy was Harry when she had a nightmare. I love that scene. 

Even earlier, before they got to Hogwarts, Grace pulling at the bottom of Percy's shirt. Image popped up multiple times in my head. I love Grace so incredibly much. She's quirky, sometimes oblivious, nervous and always looks up to the amazing person who's nosebleed was like fatal to human existence (Percy). She is also, the most sarcastic and sassy (Persassy y'all!) person, once she matures with the chapters. She is not perfect, and feels so human to me.

Bottom line. Grace Jackson should have been put in the books. I mean, that is honestly perfect. Another one of my favorite scenes, is the one about Percy's tie. No spoilers, but for those of you who have read it, awesome scene.

Also, sorry for making Nico seem mean in one of those chapters, but Grace isn't done with that skull ring yet. Yeah.  I will be continuing this fan fiction series. I said it. Series. I am planning on finishing this book, which won't be soon, then doing a future/marriage/next generation book. Already planned Nico and Will's wedding. You know that Solangelo lives on. I will probably never stop with Grace or Percy Jackson books. I just can't lose interest in it (Many unbelievers, and dislikers of Percy Jackson who are my friends say otherwise).

I love Grace. I think that she deserves this dedication. I imagine if she read this, she would be in a sass battle with Percy and Percy would say," The author, they didn't want to dedicate this to me. For shame!"

I also wanted to say, I will be doing a Q&A.
You can ask questions, or just compliment or something to these people:

Piper (who I am going as for Halloween!)
Leo McShizzle (#dontdissthemcshizzle)
Thalia (Tell me how you pronounce her name! I am always having a battle with my friends over this)
Derek (mean varsity dude who took Hazel)
Cole (Other mean varsity dude who took Hazel)

Feel free to send hate to Derek and Cole, or love for Grace, or a marriage proposal to McShizzle (Total fangirl moment: BACK OFF THE MCSHIZZLE IS MINE!!!), or anything else. It means I did I good job making my OC's awesome, or terrible.

Love you, my fandom family.


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