London Travels

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Leo's POV

Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Annabeth and I decided. We were going on this quest. We had met up in the pavilion. We knew we were needed on the quest, we just didn't know how.

That morning, we told Percy. Piper hated it, but she would charm speak him if needed.
Percy looked at me," What have you done, Leo?"
I hold my hands up in defense," Guilty. We want to come on the quest."
Percy heaves an audible sigh," Oh gods. Yes please come."
Jason grins," And I can fly you there."
Piper nods,"No mortal planes!"
Percy nods," Great, let me tell Grace."

Minutes later, Grace is hyper as ever. She clutched a letter.
She squealed," An owl gave me a letter!"
We glance at Annabeth.
She shakes her head," Not from my mom."
Grace shows us the letter. It reads:

Ms Grace Potter,

You've been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We understand this is early, but you are a very special case. Your brother Perseus has also been accepted into Hogwarts. We understand your friends are probably coming, so as an effort to save parchment, we did not write them letters. You may pick up supplies at Hogsmeade. Go to Platform 9 3/4

Minerva McGonagall

We all read the letter, countless times. Grace, oblivious to the concerned looks on our faces, and the silent staring conversations (which have become a habit) hugs us all. We plaster smiles, and we look to Jason.
He grins," Time to fly to London!"

We all grip hands tightly, and Jason flies off. I wonder what the mortals saw. A flock of birds? An airplane? I think it takes an hour to reach the ocean, Percy and Grace manipulate the waves to cushion a fall. Jason grows tired, and I think he's asking his dad to help us. A success is visible on his face. He bolts and we tighten our grips. Especially me. I am at the end, holding Grace. Percy is on Grace's other side. Annabeth is holding Percy's hand and Jason's hand. Jason holds his girlfriends' hand tightly, as Piper holds on to Hazel, and Hazel flies next to Frank the eagle. I think I would get murdered by Percy (for real) if I let go of Grace. Not that I ever would.

In my free hand, I rummage through my tool belt. I find a spicy pepper (Which I throw to Frank, and he catches it in his mouth.), a few golden drachma, and some tools. Kinda boring stuff. Later, I find some ambrosia and nectar. I plan to use that on the next person that Percy tries to kill. Soon enough, we land.

When we land Grace runs up to Jason.
She grins," That was so cool! Are you like a human airplane?"
Jason shakes his head," No, I manipulate the wind."
Grace sighs," Well are you a bird, because you have feathers in your hair, and bird poop on your shoulder."
He looks at his shoulder," Seriously?" He then looks at all of us," And nobody thought to tell me?"
Piper blushes," You look cute when you're focused."
Percy rolls his eyes," And we don't want to plummet to our deaths."
I nod," Let's go lovebirds! To Hogsmeade!"

When we reach Platform 10, I'm confused.
Grace tugs on Percy's shirt," Percy, where's Platform 9 3/4?
Percy kneels down to her height," I don't know, Grace"
I suggest," Maybe it's a trick, or a riddle?"
Frank groans," Like we need more of those."
Percy suggests," Hazel, can you manipulate the Mist?"

Hazel POV

Percy asks," Hazel can you manipulate the Mist?"
I nod," I'll try."

I think of where a secret entrance would be. The brick wall and the floor seem like good options. Then I do math. There is eight pavement squares from Platform 9 and 10. I stand on the sixth square and concentrate.
I think to myself I want to see Platform 9 3/4.

The wall opens. Literally. I thought I've seen weird things, but the wall literally opened. That was weird. Well, the wall didn't open. There was an opening.
I holler to my friends," Over here!"
Grace asks," Where is the entrance."
I respond, staring at the wall," The wall. Run through the wall."
Grace looks skeptical, but then grips Percy's hand and runs. The rest of us follow suit.

We soon are walking through an alley. Diagon Alley. Stores align the alley. The Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes, and Ollivander's are signs I see at first. We explore, then Annabeth adresses the group.
She looks at all of us," Let's go get stuff for Hogwarts!"

We pick out various notebooks and staionary and ink. Frank was a little shocked to see cauldrons. I was shocked too. Piper almost fainted when she saw a turtle.
Luckily Jason caught her. With all of our school stuff, we head to Ollivander's to get wands.

When we get our wands, and nearly trash Ollivander's because of our horrible wand coordination we walk to Hogwarts Express. The boys are having a sword fight with their wands. I hear people snickering, but Annabeth gives them a stone cold glare.

When we find seats, a blonde boy with green robes sits with us.
He introduces himself," Draco Malfoy. You guys must be new."
Grace introduces herself to him," We are, I'm Grace."
Draco's expression turns cold," Little Potter, you have no place here. You're not even eleven."
Leo whispers something to Frank, then summons fire.
Percy looks at Annabeth and Annabeth shakes her head.
Draco snickers," You think fire scares me?"
Suddenly a red head girl in red robes appears and glares at Malfoy," Shut it Malfoy." She turns to us," Ginny Weasley. Don't mind Malfoy, he's a twit."
Grace smiles," I'm Grace."
Ginny asks," So, I take it you haven't been here before. Are you excited to get sorted?"
Grace asks," Is it liked getting claimed?"
Ginny shrugs," I don't know what that is, but Sorting is when the Sorting Hat is on your head, you talk to it, and it shouts your house. The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin."
Percy explains," We're demigods. Demigods have a mortal and godly parent. Claiming is when you find out who your godly parent is."
Ginny nods," Well, I think you'll all be in Gryffindor. Ron, my brother, and his best mate Harry and my best mate Hermione found out something along the lines of a quest. He mentioned eleven leaders in war, and I think you are some of them."
Percy nods," Oh."

By that, he could have said a lot of things, but I think Ginny is right. Those three plus all of us is eleven. Hopefully, eleven isn't a ghost number.

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