Percy Jackson + Harry Potter : Little Sister?

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Grace POV

I was cold and hungry. Most of all, tired. I had hid from eidolons, cyclopes, and storm spirits. I know I can't out run them. So I just stayed hidden. I couldn't fight them either. My life was annoying. I'm only seven and yet, I'm expected to fight off monsters. Soon, they might lose interest in killing me.

Suddenly, within the blink of an eye, a tall boy was battling them. I never knew how to fight. He was an expert. When the monsters vaporized, he looked at me. He stares at my thin and pale frame. He comes over and asks," What were you doing here?"
I answer," Hiding."
He nods, and then hands me his jacket. He glances to see if the monsters reappeared.
He asks," What were you hiding from?"
I shiver," The scary monsters."
He looked deep in thought for a second then came out of his thoughts and gripped my tiny hand," Come on. I'll show you to my apartment, since it's not safe in the alley. I'm Percy, by the way."
I nod," Grace."

Percy POV

When Grace is curled up in a ball, hiding in the alleyway, I think of Annabeth as a seven year old, hiding from monsters until Luke and Thalia took her in. Now, I guess I'm Grace's, Luke Castellan, in a sense. 

As I lead Grace to the apartment, I see that her dark long curls is matted to her neck, tangled and knotted. Her green eyes are glossy with up and coming tears. She's tiny, and pale. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't come.

When we reach my apartment, my stepfather Paul is out. I approach my mom and when she turns, a look of realization, only for a second crosses her face. She looks at Grace, then back at me.
I cough," Mom, this is Grace."
She nods," Yes Percy, I can see that. Why did you bring her here?"
I whisper," I think she's a demigod."
"How so?"
Grace pipes up," I saw scary monsters in the alleyway."
Mom gasps," Shouldn't you take her to Camp?"
I nod," I will. But maybe I should tell Chiron?"
Mom shakes her head," Chiron won't mind."
I nod," I guess I'm going to Camp Half Blood for Christmas."

Grace POV

   When we arrive at Camp Half Blood, I see lots of cabins. The cabins are dedicated to Greek Gods. At least, that's what Percy said. Percy holds my hand tighter as we trudge through the Orange Sea of T-Shirts. He leads me to a place called The Big House. Inside, is a goat man.
He smiled" Percy. Who is this girl?"
Percy answers," Chiron, this is Grace. I believe she is a demigod. She saw monsters, so she hid."
I chime in," And Percy killed the mean monsters!"
Chiron nods," Well she hasn't been claimed, so she should head to the Hermes cabin."
I shake my head," No, I wanna stay with Percy."
Chiron nods," Well, she doesn't need to settle in until after dinner. She has to be claimed if she wants to stay with you, Percy."
Percy nods.

As we leave the big house, Percy heads for a cabin labeled: POSEIDON. On his way, he sees a blonde girl with gray eyes.
He calls out," Annabeth!"
The girl looks in our direction," Percy?"

Annabeth POV

As I am wandering through camp aimlessly, I hear the voice I least expected.
The voice calls," Annabeth!"
I glance in his direction," Percy?"

It was Percy. I didn't expected him to be here in the winter. I was grinning ear to ear nonetheless. Holding my boyfriend's hand tightly, was a little girl. She looked like Percy, maybe she was his sister. Then again, every demigod is related somehow. Percy, would be my half-cousin, I think. Greek demigod/god relationships are confusing though. I decided she was his half-sister before advancing toward them.

Percy wrapped me in an airtight hug.
He grinned," Didn't expect to see you here."
I nod," Ditto."
He gestures to the little girl," This is Grace. I found her in an alleyway hiding from monsters."
Grace waves," Hi Annabeth. That's a pretty name."
I wave back, then look to Percy," She's a demigod. Has she been claimed yet?"
Percy shakes his head," No. We talked to Chiron and Grace refuses to go to the Hermes cabin."
I nod," Well, if she's claimed by dinner..."
Grace tugs on Percy's shirt," Percy, can we go to your cabin now?"
Percy nods," Annabeth?"
I smile," Sure, Seaweed Brain."

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