Nico gotta be SOCIAL

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Percy's POV

It was Friday. The day of the big meet. Everyone in the house decided to come, Nico only because Grace begged him, and Clarisse because we told her she could spear the losers. The ten of us slid on the bleachers, until Annabeth pushed me off.
"Seaweed Brain," she reminded me," go get ready."
I nod. "Right. Yes ma'am."
We all laugh as I run off.

Annabeth's POV

The actual meet wouldn't start for a few minutes, so I decided to slip away for a few minutes. I really didn't have much to do, until I saw Bryn. She wore the same clothes as me. What?
She scoffed. "I had to look through the dump to find these rags. But my plan will work. Percy will have me."
Anywhere but here.
I picked up my pace as Bryn disappeared to where the meet took place.

Grace's POV

(A/N Annabeth is still gone. Bryn is at the meet. Grace thinks Bryn is Annabeth)

Annabeth wasn't gone for long. It took her five seconds. At most. She sat down in front of me, and I played with her curls.
I asked," Annabeth, do you think Percy is gonna win?"
She nods.
"Percy really likes you. I hope you guys get married and then, you'll be my big sister. And then I'll have Percy, Nico, Harry, Hazel and you. Do you want to marry Percy?"
She nods. "Of course I do. I love my Seaweed Brain."
Her voice sounds slightly different. Maybe she's excited.

Nico's POV

I heard Grace talk to Annabeth. I look at the two of them, and see that Annabeth looks slightly different. Because she's not Annabeth. I tap Grace on the shoulder.
She looks at me. "Yeah?"
"That's not Annabeth," I say.
Grace giggles. "What is this? Opposite day? Of course it is."
I wonder who that girl is.

Percy's POV

I see Grace talking to Annabeth (not really, it's Bryn, but Percy thinks it's Annabeth). I smile. I know how much Grace looks up to Annabeth. And how much we depend on her to settle our donut feuds. And our other feuds. Many other feuds. Mainly involving sweets. I jump into the pool when the whistle blows, and swim. The cool water against my skin feels great. I feel at ease. I lift my head up, and see I got first in the first race. With no powers. Great.

Grace's POV

I am cheering for Percy like everyone else, and then I see Annabeth. Annabeth? But she's right there. I look back between the girls. The other girl sits contently, not phased by Annabeth's appearance. Annabeth scowls at the girl and sits next to me.
She asked," What did she say?"
My lip quivers. "She-she said she loved Percy,"
Annabeth nods. "Grace, why are you crying?"
"I thought she was you. I-I talked to her. I thought she was nice. I don't want Percy taken away from you, because that means that I lose you, a-and you're like a big sister to me. And I don't want you to leave."
Annabeth hugs me, and points to the pool. "Percy is going to win. He will."
"He must," I add.

Percy. Won. Every. Dam. Race. He tries to rub off the Sharpie on his arm. Percy? Dude. It's permanent marker. It stays on your skin. He got a medal, made of metal, for proving his mettle, which I decided not to meddle with. That plan was probably going to fail. I mean, meddling is my life. And sarcasm. Sarcasm is freaking awesome.

We repeat the process of getting in the car. Stupid broken leg. This time, Clarisse was driving again, and we probably wouldn't live to see Saturday. We make small conversation. Then the ride is silent. Percy hits me on the head with his metal medal for his mettle. That is fun to say. Anyways, as the metal medal made contact with my head, a feud began.
I stick out my tongue. "I hit people on the head with things better than you."
Percy twiddles his award between his fingers. "Well I ripped off the Minotaur's horn, so..."
Clarisse laughs from the front. "Please, Prissy. My fork chucking abilities overrule that stupid Minotaur horn."
Percy rolls his eyes. "Sure."
Clarisse glares at him from the rearview mirror. "You wanna find out?"
She chucks a fork at Percy's head without turning her attention from the road.
Percy is speechless for the rest of the drive home.

Grace Potter di Angelo Jackson: The Demiwizard StoryWhere stories live. Discover now