Percy, why are you so awesome?

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Annabeth's POV

We were in our beds in the Gryffindor sleeping space. Hazel, Piper and I were recalling stories of what we had done on our quest. Minimal details, Tartarus-free. Why would we be recalling these times? Simple. Grace had asked and I quote," Why is Percy so awesome?"

Thalia, a newcomer to the sleeping chambers of the Gryffindors, had officially started this mess, beginning at when they saved Bianca and  Nico.
Grace asked," Was Nico the little boy in the rainbow?"
Thalia nods," Yes."
Grace comprehends this, obviously noticing the flaw in the situation," But Nico couldn't have been that tiny. What's going on?"

Explanations. A lot of explanations. Remember when I said the stories were Tartarus free? Well, they were. Mostly. Somehow we had gone into the topic of powers. When we mentioned Percy's powers, the poison and Akhlys incident slipped. Completely my fault.

Grace's body tensed. Then she started crying. She was shaking, her hands over her knees, which were curled up to her chest.
She whimpered," Percy wou-wouldn't suffocate m-m-me, right?"
Grace cried harder. "He would do that t-t-to me. He would kill me."
I glanced at Piper, to see if she would use charmspeak. It didn't look like she was planning to.
Thalia stood up. "I'll go get Percy. I don't know how he would fix this, but it's worth a shot."
I stand up as well. "I'll come with you. I have to pound Leo's face in anyways."

We left Hazel, Piper, and a sniffling Grace to find Percy, and Leo, 'cuz, well, obvious reasons.
The boys were sitting on the various maroon couches in the main part of the common room.
Thalia pointed towards the door.
"Kelp Head, outside."
Percy nods and leaves.
I grab Leo's scrawny arm," Iris message. Let's go."

Leo and I walk around Hogwarts. We find a fountain near the courtyard. We conduct the necessary ritual for the message, and a tiny, smiling (still have to get used to that) Nico di Angelo greeted us, with an annoyed expression.
"Gods! Stop with the Iris messaging!"
Leo points to me," Her fault."
I glare at him. " Shut up, Valdez."
Nico's shoulders slump. In his hand, is the Hades figurine Bianca gave him.
" I'm still debating on whether or not to use this."
"For what?" Leo asks
"A trigger item. For Bianca to remember she died."
Leo looks confused. Typical. I explain what had happened, at least from what Percy told me.
Leo nods. He begins to speak but I glare.
I really don't know what to say to Nico. I really should have done this with Thalia. I take a breath. " Nico, you know we can't answer that question."
He nods. "I know. I just wish things were normal. Minus her death."
Leo looks at me, then steps forward. He gives me a look, asking me to leave. I nod, hoping Leo does well. Talking to regular Nico was hard, who knows about the four year old version is like.

Leo's POV

This was a mistake. I do not know how to do this. Oh well. Leo screwing up, perfectly normal. I finally speak.
"Nico, I honestly don't know what you should do. I just have to say, that holding on to the past isn't smart. It'll backfire. Besides, you know that you'll always have Bianca in your heart. I'm sorry for creating that machine."
Nico nods," Any chance you know how to change me back?"
I shake my head," No, but I can probably invent something with the scraps my cabin gave me, and all the stuff I already broke here."
I hear a teen girl call for Nico.
Nico looks at the figurine. " Well, thanks Leo. A lot of things I never thought I'd say came out of my mouth as a four year old."
I give my signature grin. " My pleasure."

Time Skip brought to you by Percabeth

After the Iris Message between Nico, Bianca and Percy.

(A/N: Read Sibling Fun Time, the newly posted chapter in The Faulty Time Machine, my other fanfiction before continuing)

Percy's POV

This is too confusing. Bianca is Grace. Grace is Bianca. I was not paying attention as I walked back to class. Snape glared at me. I ignored him and hoped class would be over soon.

                 Time Skipitty-Doodle

As Snape finished off the lesson, I looked at the seven and Thalia. They got the message and started collecting their belongings. Annabeth and Leo were in a heated silent argument, and Wise Girl was practically scaring Leo schist less by the end. Unlike our Gryffindor comrades, we ducked into a dark corridor.

I swallowed. " So, guys? Y'know how Bianca chose rebirth? Well, uh, something went wrong. She is in a living body. Like a body that was already on Earth. She, she's Grace."
Thalia whispers," How do you know?"
"Her face. Half Grace, half Bianca."
Seconds later, Madame Pomfrey  rushes toward us.
Her eyes are filled with urgency. "Percy, Grace is in the infirmary. She, her pulse, I don't know if she's alive."
I knew Grace was alive. But she wasn't here. She was at Camp Half-Blood. Specifically, her spirit.

Before I ask, Hazel places her hand on Grace's heart. " There is a small trace of her spirit left in this body. We need to switch them back."
I process this. " But we can't switch them back. They're in the same body."
Hazel nods. " Right now, we need Bianca's body, so Grace can re-enter hers."

Great. Now we are the Hunters of Spirits, the way cooler, all genders invited group, where you hunt spirits. It's got less of an 'eternal girl club' vibe, and more of a ' What the Hades, we're awesome' club. Spirits, watch your ghoulish, non existent backs. Because, now, the Hunters of Spirits are here.

Then I realized we needed Nico di Angelo.


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