Demigods VS Wizards

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Quick recap: Grace and Bianca are same person. CHB is going into battle with Hogwarts.

Grace's POV

I am actually going to die. I am only seven, I don't know how to stop wizards and demigods from killing each other. Ughhhhhhhhhh. The battle was soon approaching. The camp was hectic. Will Solace and the Apollo kids were running around, restocking the infirmary as fast as they've ever done. The Hephaestus cabin was busy making weapons and gadgets for battle. The Hecate cabin was amping up their magic abilites. The Hermes cabin put out all sorts of traps. The Ares and Athena cabins were discussing battle strategy. Aphrodite's cabin, the were doing their makeup, until Piper came in, and is now whipping them into shape. The Demeter cabin is growing all sorts of plants to harm the wizards. Not smart, considering, they take Herbology at Hogwarts. The Hunters were here too, stocking up on arrows. Stray campers were passing out weapons to the empty handed. All the camp was making an effort, but they didn't know it wouldn't do any good. It was all on me.

Then, my vision came to life. All too soon, I might add. Percy and Harry were chained to the trees. Annabeth and Hermione were dueling. Leo was blocking me from spells and spears, which I knew took a toll on him.
"Leo!" I cried over the noise of the battle. "Stop protecting me! Just get me something that can cut through this noise. And I need everyone to look at me."
Leo looks nervous about my suggestion, no, order, bit he runs of in search of what I need. Percy and Harry shoot Leo daggers, but I give them a look of My idea, cut him some slack, and they back off. I try to ask for Bianca to take over, and her spirit overpowers my own.

Bianca's POV

We can now interchange spirits, kind of. I take over, and sprint to the Hunters, dodging spells left and right. Thalia sees me running and a wave of shock surpasses her. Only for second, she is off guard. When she snaps back to focus, I tell the Hunters my plan. They nod, and begin.

I fight off some wizards to buy the Hunters some time. Thalia lifts a piece of glass to the sun. Hopefully she prayed to Apollo. The reflection casts me, encasing me in warm light.
Grace, please come up. Half me, half you. We're going to stop the war. I think to myself. Grace complies and takes her right side of our shared body.
I shout across the already silent war zone," We are as one! Look at me! Two souls are combined as one. Together, wizards and demigods can be combined as one."
The light beam then showers over a reluctant Celyn, cutting Percy and Harry from their chains.
Her voice holds a trace of disgust, however, it is intangible by the onlookers. " These males, are different. The sea-" She bit back her tongue, swallowing the sea scum insult. She rephrases," The demigod, Percy and the wizard Harry have one thing in common."
Grace takes over, her soul expanding across the entire body we share. "What they have in common," Grace says," is me. I am both wizard and demigod. I am a demigod and wizard. These are two of my brothers," She pauses again, searching for Nico, who is off in the shadows. I see Will snatch the glass from Thalia. Oh crap. He angles the glass so the light beam is over Nico. Nico gives Will a death glare before I take over the left side of my body that I was reincarnated into. Grace's arm takes Nico's right hand, and I take his left. He keeps glaring at Will, who keeps the light on us.
I squeeze Nico's hand hard, hoping he stops glaring. He never does. We continue to bring Nico to where Percy and Harry are.
Grace says," And this is our third brother."
"We are the same, yet different people." I say
" We share a body, and a life." Grace explains
" We have common enemies. We all can fight for a greater cause. We all have fought wars, Why fight when we can create new allies?"

Murmuring between the demigods and wizards took a while. Then nodding. Then chanting from either side. The chants intensify until the entire camp is cheering. Easiest way to win a war in history.

Grace's POV

When we were dragging Nico to Percy and Harry, I noticed his skull ring. Since he was too busy glaring at people, he didn't notice me slipping it off his finger. It was January, although, the controlled weather says otherwise. Anyway, after I prevented a war from breaking out, I headed to the Hephaestus cabin. I just prayed Leo wasn't there, because then he'd see through my plan.

Thankfully, he was not, and instead of Leo, I ran into Nyssa, one of Leo's sisters.
Nyssa asks," Hey Grace. What's up?"
I show her Nico's skull ring. " Can you just make a copy of this with some scrap metal, and then engrave something into the original ring.
Nyssa nods. "Yeah, I think we've got enough scrap metal for that. What do you want engraved on the inside?"
I hand her a piece of paper. "This. Don't ask questions."
She gives me a thumbs up. "Got it."

I leave, and hope Nico doesn't realize it's gone until they finish the replica. I can't stop thinking about the piece of paper I gave Nyssa. Always with you- Bianca and Grace is what the paper had said. Oh gods. Who knew this would be so nerve wracking.

Nico's POV

I am still mad at Bianca/Grace, the Hunters and Will. I like to lurk in the shadows. Not bathe in the sunshine. Speaking of sunshine, an annoying blonde came to the Hades cabin.
"Sunshine? Are you still pissed at me?"
" Well let me think. Yes, Will."

Will comes in anyway. I swear I heard Aphrodite squeal from Olympus. Gods, I'm nervous. I reach for the skull ring, only to find, either my hand passed through it, which isn't an unrealistic guess, or it's gone. I decided to go with the second option.

I wonder who stole it. No one got close enough to take it, unless- Grace!
I ask Will," Do you know where Grace is?"
Will shrugs and gets up. "I think I saw her at the Hephaestus cabin."
"Thanks, Will."
I get up, leave and look for cabin nine. Ever since Jason made all gods appreciated, with a cabin, and I think an action figure, there was too many cabins.

At last, after a few minutes of searching, I found it. I see Nyssa with a small object. Probably my ring. I walk over to her.
"Nyssa, have you seen Grace?"
"Yeah, she came in a little while ago and asked me to make a copy of this ring. Why?"
"Oh, I needed to tell her nothing needed to be replicated at this time."
Nyssa hands me the ring. " Good luck finding her."

I travel next, to the Poseidon cabin. Grace is sitting on her bunk, holding a piece of paper.
She looks up at me, then sees the ring.
She asks," Nico, why do you have that?"
I respond dryly," I found it a the Hephaestus cabin, and reclaimed my stolen property."
Grace crumples up the paper. "I should've told Nyssa not to give it to you."
" Because it's January 27."
"Tomorrow's your birthday."
"How do you know that?"
"Sometimes Bianca sends me skills or information that she has. Y'know, the whole conjoined spirit rebirth thing."
I bite back a curse. "But why would you give me a gift?"
"Because somehow, your my brother," she hands me the paper," and I was going to ask Nyssa to engrave that inside the ring."
I nod. Dammit Nico.
Grace continues," I wanted to be nice. Everyone told me that you distance yourself. Stay away. If you won't let me give you a nice gift, that I thought would mean something to you, then maybe you should distance yourself a little farther."
She dashes out the door, to the campfire, which I don't think I will be attending.

Grace's POV

I can't believe Nico refused my gift. He stopped it completely. I wanted to be nice to my third brother. I mean, I am his sister. I remember my claiming symbol. It was a trident, with a skull in the center. The symbols of Poseidon and Hades. I was different. Even before Bianca saved me.

Grace Potter di Angelo Jackson: The Demiwizard StoryWhere stories live. Discover now