Strawberry Milk ; HWANG HYUNJIN part 3

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Strawberry Milk.

Member; Hwang Hyunjin
Genre; happy, cute, romance
Request? ; Anni_Kookie


Just like any old day, Hyunjin walked into the store, grabbed your strawberry milk. You grabbed Hyunjins had after he payed and sat him down outside of the store, the rain was pouring down today.
'Give me answers..please..' Hyunjin signed, he felt deflected whenever someone asked about anything he asked them not to.

hyunjin looked across the table at you, waiting.
'Do you have a girlfriend?' He chuckled at the first question but shook his head, hoping you would stop asking about girlfriends.
'Why do you rush off so fast whenever we try to talk? Is there something you'd wish for me to not know about you?' Hyunjin sat back in his seat, the rain hitting his arms, the coldness soaking into his skin, he didn't want to allow himself to become sick, he couldn't afford to become sick, but sitting here with you, talking about things he won't even admit to himself was hurting.

'I did have a girlfriend, I rush off as I need to go see her...' he stopped and looked downy, his reminder flashed on his phone and he couldn't help but just want to get up and leave you there but he knew you would just keep asking for answers.
'what happened? are you two like hookup buddies?' You spoke so cluelessly, he shook his head and turned the reminder off.

'She's in a coma, I don't know exactly what happened to one will tell me..but I go see her everyday' he tried swallowing the lump in his throat but it only hurt more and more. You looked at his struggling state and sighed loud.
'You're still in love with her, right?' He shook his head rapidly, you opened the lollipop, popping it into your mouth and Hyunjin couldn't help but smile.

Everything you did reminded him of her, that's why he loved every detail about you, because you were familiar, normal, just like how she was. was.

'I think that's enough question for today...' hyunjin packed up his things and left you alone yet again, this time you wished you hadn't gotten answers.

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