Strawberry Milk ; HWANG HYUNJIN part 2

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Strawberry Milk.

Member; Hwang Hyunjin
Genre; happy, cute, romance
Request? ; Anni_Kookie

;;;;; 2/4

Just like any other day, Hyunjin looked at you struggling; this time we wasn't scared to go in and help, he wasn't scared to smile and shout your name.
'Need some help?' You turned around and hit his chest, it had only been a few minuets that you two spoke for but it was something special to the both of you.

You finally found someone you can talk to and get you through the hell called life, but for him, he was finally talking to the girl he'd had a crush on for almost six months now.
'Get me three! I'm extra thirsty today' You laughed and he grabbed three, walking away from you to grab a few yellow lollipops and payed for it all.

'Here's your stuff, now go sit down so I can get mines!' Hyunjin walked away and grabbed a chocolate milk for himself and some ramen. He payed and waited for the ramen to be made, then he walked from the store to the seats outside where you were opening a lollipop.

'Why are you helping me quit smoking?' You questioned, you guessed he lost a family member because of smoking but it wasn't certain.
'Well, to be completely honestly..I used to smoke. Someone helped me stop the way I'm helping you, don't ask any more questions please..' Hyunjin seemed sad talking about the subject so you decided to drop it.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to get in your personal life' you apologized and opened a can of strawberry milk. Hyunjin opened his chocolate one and you smiled a little, your dimples showing.

'Awh, cute you have dimples' Hyunjin poked your cheek and you couldn't help but blush hard. He, too blushed and drank his chocolate milk slowly.
'You should have strawberry milk, it's nicer..' you handed him one of your cans and took his chocolate one.

'No! I don't like strawberry milk!' He took a sip anyway and looked down at him phone, the time showed and he put his ramen in the bin along with the now finished strawberry milk.
'Sorry, I need to leave!' He took his phone and backpack, leaving you sitting alone, yet again.

'Hyunjin!' You called after him only to get no answer. You wondered if he had someone. It's not like you'd fallen for him, it had only been two days. Someone helped me stop the way I'm helping you his words were still in your mind, you didn't know if it was a friend, a girlfriend or a family member. He said no questions but all you wanted was answers.


Filler chapter for the storyline sksk I hope you guys enjoy these 'parts' rather than it being a short really badly written one.

Remember to smile and that you're loved!

- Kaylee🐰🏹💌

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