"Yep. I'll start off with your singing career. When did you know that you could sing? Because nobody's heard you yet and we're all dying to find out what you sound like."

"Well" I began. I felt more relaxed now. "I've loved singing ever since I was little. I used to go around the house pretending to be some kind of big star. I'd dress up in my mums clothes and pretend to be her when I was around four years old" I giggled at the memories. "I've grown up around music and I think that's why I love it so much".

"Well we're very happy that you do! Is it hard to know that you have standards to live up to? Because your dad's an actor, your mums a singer and your brother does both of those things. Does that put pressure on you?"

I frowned. "I've never really thought about it to be honest. I don't really feel pressured into doing anything. I've made my own choices and I'm quite happy with that".

Sarah smiled at me. "You're so lovely".

"Thank you" I answered her.

"Now Skye, would you like to take to the stage and sing your song?"

"Go on then" I answered her and the audience laughed.

"So, this is called Sk8er Boi?" Sarah asked me. I nodded back at her and stood up and made my way to the stage. (Sorry Avril Lavigne. Yes this is Avril Lavigne's song and I love it but we're just going to pretend that Skye made it up)

I breathed in and out again as I saw my hands shaking. The music started up behind me and I began singing.

"He was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious?

He was a punk, she did ballet. What more can I say?

He wanted her, she'd never tell. But secretly she wanted him as well.

But all of her friends, stuck up their nose. And they had a problem with his baggy clothes"

I carried on with the rest of the song. I came up with it around a week ago when I started to scribble lyrics down. It was about Dougie and how he'd met Frankie and everything happened and then moi came along.

"Sorry girl but you missed out. Well tough luck that boys mine now. We are more than just good friends. This is how the story ends. To bad that you couldn't see. See the man that boy could be. There is more than meets the eye. I see the soul that is inside" I finished the rest of the song and stood there awkwardly afterwards not knowing what to do next. The audience were clapping and I think that some had guessed that it was about Doug.

"Come on over here Skye" Sarah beckoned and I walked over to her and sat back on my seat.

"That's an awesome song" she smiled at me.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"Ok, now you're going to hate me for bringing this up. But what's going on with you and Mr Poynter over there? Was the song about him?" Sarah pointed into the audience and I blushed bright red. I looked over at Dougie and he nodded at me.

"It's ok, you can tell us. Then I can tell everybody we heard it first" Sarah winked at me.

"We're really good friends" I laughed. My blush was still on my face.

"Is that all?"

I looked over to Dougie again. He wanted me to say. I took another breath. All I could think of was how the GDs would probably hate me and how everybody would react. "No. That's not all" I mumbled to her.

"Oh?" Sarah pressed. She wasn't doing it in a pushy way. She was actually really nice.

"We're together. Like, together together" I spoke. I brushed my hair back and looked at the floor. How hard was that? I looked back up at Dougie and he had his toothy grin on his face. I started laughing. I had no idea why.

"Well that wasn't awkward was it?" I joked.

The audience laughed.

"Do you mind if I bring Dougie up here?" Sarah smiled at me supportively. I think she just wanted me to be comfortable. I looked over at Dougie and he shrugged.

"No I don't really mind".

Sarah waved a hand for Dougie to come over and he jogged over to the stage. The crowd cheered for him. He was wearing a Saint Kidd top and black skinny jeans. He wore black converse to match as well and his hair swept across his forehead as per usual.

"Good to see you Dougie" Sarah smiled at him. It was clear that he's been on this show before. He came to sit next to me so I budged up a bit.

"Good to see you Sarah." He answered her. He comfortably took my hand in his and I looked down at them intertwined. We were public now! Wooo!

The crowd awwed at our hands and I blushed again. Dougie smiled at me.

"So, when did you guys meet then?" Sarah asked.

"Well" Dougie began. "I was sat in the grass with the band at V Festival".

I continued with the story. "I was getting ice cream with my friend Willow and the queue was right next to the grass".

Dougie said "I remember looking up at the queue and just noticing this beautiful girl and I was like staring at her like some sort of creep." The crowd laughed.

I laughed too. "Willow was like 'There's someone looking at you' so I turned around and just saw him and he looked down immediately. I got all excited because I was a big fan of the band".

Dougie ended the story. "She got to the front of the queue and I bought her an ice cream and we literally just spent the whole day together. And then the next and the next and the next".

I looked at the crowd. They all looked quite happy and were awwing. I even saw one person nearly in tears!

"Who asked who out and when did it happen?" Sarah asked. She'd was intrigued in our story like it was some sort of book or something.

"I asked Skye out" Dougie blushed now. It was kind of unreal how the whole thing happened. So I began the story.

"I was sleeping and it was like 3am and I heard this thing hitting my balcony outside of my room so I was like" *I imitated a 3am me* "Wh-Wha? Wha- is it?" The audience laughed. "So I opened my balcony doors and I just saw Dougie on the end of the tree branch outside the balcony" I laughed so hard now at the memory of him. "It was the funniest thing. And then I was all confused and he was like 'Can you help me off of here?'"

I looked at Dougie and he was blushing. "You tell the rest" I grinned at him evilly. He got to tell the soppy bit.

"No, it's okay. I'll let you finish" he grinned down at me.

"Nooo" I moaned. "You haven't told any of this story"

"Fine" he huffed. And he told them the rest of the events of that night. Including the kissing which I was not happy about.

"And so I spent the night there, but we didn't do anything I swear" he promised Sarah.

Oh God. I just remembered. I didn't tell my mum or dad that he'd spent the night there. And he'd escaped that morning. And they were watching this show. Whoops.

"And so I escaped in the morning by jumping off the balcony and back on to the tree". He finished.

"You make that sound like you were some sort of superhero or something" I teased him.

He pulled a face at me. "Well I was".

"You guys are too cute" Sarah said to us.

"Thanks" we said in unison and started laughing.

A beep sounded. "Well, that's the signal for the end of the show guys" she sighed. The crowd booed. "I'm sorry, bye everyone" Sarah waved at the camera and we did too and something buzzed again and the show was over. I sighed.

"You did a really great job, guys" she told us and held out her hand again. We both shook her hand.

"I meant what I said. And for the record, I think you guys are meant to be together" she winked at us and left to go backstage. We followed her off and got ready to go.


Hey! So I hoped you liked it. Please comment your opinions and stuff or whatever. Thank you x

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