Chapter 22 - Ethan

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Josh's POV:

When Simon and I got to school this morning Ethan and Tobi were standing by Ethan's locker. His eyes were red and bloodshot like he had been crying.

"Hey guys. You ok Ethan?" I questioned

"Yeah, I'm fine" He said weakly. Tobi just rubbed his arm.

"Tell them E it will be fine"

"I can't"

"Do you want me to?" Tobi questioned taking Ethan's handing his. Ethan just nodded his head at him.

"Ethan got kicked out of his dad's last night" Ethan's parents were separated. He stayed with his dad one week and his mom's the other. Honestly we all preferred his mom. His dad was clearly homophobic and after he found out I was bi he told Ethan to not be friends with me.

"What why?" Simon questioned. The others had joined us by now. They had all noticed the tears gently rolling down Ethans cheek and his hand tightly gripping Tobi's.

"Well as you all probably know his dad is extremely homophobic and well one of his dad's friends may have seen us kiss and told his dad." A loud sob sounded from Ethan. We all moved forward and pulled him into a tight group hug.

"Aww Ethan" Harry said "Wait does that mean I'm the only straight one"

"Yes Harry, but not the important thing right now " JJ said flicking him on the side of the head.

"What happened Ethan"

"Well I got home after Nando's yesterday and do you remember when we were getting ready to leave and Tobi and I were out first we kissed just before you left. One of my dad's friends must have seen us cause when I got home he started shouting about how I was disgusting and how his friend saw me and Tobi. He then slapped me and told me I wasn't his son anymore and kicked me out. I rung Tobi and he came and picked me up and I stayed at his."

I heard Simon start to breathe heavily next to me. I grabbed both his hands and sat him down on the floor whilst I sat opposite to him.

"Simon listen me. You're safe. He can't get you. He's not here" I still had his hands in mine so I rubbed my thumb along the back of his until he calmed down.

"Shit I'm so sorry I forgot about everything with your dad I shouldn't have said it in front of you" Ethan said

"It's fine Ethan, like Josh said I'm safe now. I'm so sorry that happened to you" Simon said

"I've got to go to my mom's tonight. Will you guys come with me" Ethan said

A chorus of "sure"'s  sounded from us.

*Skip to afterschool*

"I'll take E and Harry, if you take Simon, JJ and Vik"  Tobi said to me

"Yeah sure" I replied. I walked over to my boyfriend, best friend and my combination of the two (best friends boyfriend, boyfriends best friend).

"You guys are with me"

"Shot gun" Simon shouts like a child. I just laughed at him and got in.

The drive to Ethan's was short only about 10 minutes from the school.

"Well here goes nothing" He said unlocking the front door

"Ethan what are you doing here. You're supposed to be at your dad's. Oh hi boys" She said now noticing us all standing behind him. At the mention of being at his dad Ethan burst into tears and Tobi put his hand in his.

"Honey what's wrong" She asked

"He kicked me out"

"What why?" She questioned

"He found out about this" Ethan replied holding up his hand which was interlocked with Tobi's.

"Aww my love. It's ok. He doesn't deserve you if he doesn't accept you" She said pulling him into a hug.

"Thanks mom" He said

"Get in here you guys" she said and opened her arms wide. We all joined into the hug. This was one of the many reasons we all loved Ethan's mom she treated us all like members of her family.

"We're gonna all go into the living room for a bit if that's ok with you" Ethan said

"Sure honey"

"Wait we still haven't discussed what I was talking about earlier" Harry said as we sat down - him the middle of the sofa, me and JJ sat at either end with our boyfriends in our laps, tobi on the arm of the chair Ethan was sat in"

"What?" Vik asked

"Well I'm the only straight one and we know that you, JJ and Simon are gay and Josh is bi so what are Ethan and Tobi"

"I'm bi" Tobi said

"I'm pan" Ethan said

"Oh ok" Harry said. "Well I'm heteroromantic but I'm asexual"

"Wait so all of us are LGBTQA+"(literally my friends) Tobi said

"Seems like it" I replied

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