Chapter 13: School

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, we'll ask around our classes to see if any girl is interested. I'm sure we'll find some by the end of the day."

"I really hope so."


"I'll see you girls later!" *Waves and walks away*

Rose & Lisa:
"Bye! We'll see you guys at lunch!!" *Runs away, waving"

*Groans* "I really don't want to watch another documentary. *rubs the back of her neck* I'll see you two later." *Walks away with her head slightly down*

"We'll, good luck in class. I'll see you at lunch with the other girls. Bye!" *Hugs you before walking away*

"Okay...? I guess I'll go to class too." *Starts making her way to the studio room.*

BTS Pov:

"Are you ready Taehyung?"

"Obviously. I'm definitely going to be the best in the school. Maybe even the best in the entire country."

"Taehyung, it's okay to dream, but you have to be realistic." *Pats his shoulder*


"You really want me to kick your ass,  don't you?" *irritated*

"Yah! Relax, you two, stop messing with him."

*Nudges Namjoon's shoulder* "Look. " *looks up, signaling the other boys.*

"Let's go, they're already left for their classes."

"This will be interesting... " *Smirks before following behind the others,  making their way inside.*

Mia Pov:

*Damn. The bell just rang, yet I already want to leave. -_- What did I do to deserve such a boring teacher? Couldn't I have gotten a laid back teacher, or at least a good looking one? Why did I get stuck with this old guy? Aish!! Stupid Mia, you have to respect your elders.*

Mr. Sanchez:
"Quite down, quite down. Everybody take your seats, we're about to start the class. Before anything else, I'd like to present our new student. I honestly don't know why I have to present him, this is a college, I could care less who comes and who doesn't. After all, you guys are the ones who pay for this course. Besides the point, please welcome our new student joining the course, Jungkook." *Motions the guy to come in*

*I wonder who this Jungkook guy is? I wonder if he's cute?*

Girl 1:
"Oh my god. This guy is freaking gorgeous. Mmmhh, I could just eat him up!" *Giggles*

Girl 2:
"He's freaking hot! But, eww!! Your definitely not going to eat him, trust me, he doesn't know you even exist."

*Fuck!!! No, no, no, no, no!!!! What the hell is he doing here!?! How the hell did he and his brothers find us!?! I have to tell Y/n and the girls ASAP!! *

Mr. Sanchez:
"Quite down everyone, let's begin with today's lesson. Jungkook, you can sit anywhere you like." *motions for him to take a seat anywhere.*

*Out of hundreds of seats he could have chosen, he had to sit right next to me. -_- I can't text the girls like this. Uhhh!!  That stupid smirk!! I'm going to make him regret ever looking at me like that.*

Rose & Lisa Pov:

Mrs. Chinn:
"As you may know, today we'll be working on gowns. I don't want to see any kind of gown, but a red carpet kind of gown. I want you guys to use your creat-"

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