Part 72 Smal talking

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Joey's POV

I was in the yard training Buster; he's still very childish.

Joey: Buster! No Buster don't run away boy!

Buster was chasing his tail and I tried to stop him and he ran away. He went into his doggy house and I bent over and tried to pull him out. I heard laughing from behind me and turned around to see Shane.

Shane: sweat pants may not be the best idea

Joey: what do you mean?

Shane: I see your undies haha

Joey: oh! That's funny isn't it?

Shane: mhm. Don't worry. I've seen your ass before

Joey: I hope you like it

Shane: I really do

I walked over to Shane and gave him a hug. I had my arms around his neck and he had his around my waist. I was staring at his eyes when I felt something going down my pants.

Joey: stop trying get in my pants

Shane: but I like your ass

Joey: well you're not getting it tonight

Shane: come on baby, I'm just having a little fun

Joey: stop it Shane. Let's go inside, it's too hot out here

I took my arms away from him but his didn't. He smiled at me creepily.

Shane: you know it belongs to me

Joey: so this belongs to me then?

I grabbed Shane's ass.

Shane: yup, all yours baby and you can play with it later

I started to blush and we walked to the kitchen. I got two glasses and filled them up with water. I gave one to Shane and we sat down at the table.

Shane: so Joey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out this weekend

Joey: sure, why not

Shane: it's the present I promised you for when you stopped smoking

Joey: really? Omg Shane I can't wait!

Shane: and we'll have some fun

He stroked my leg with his under the table.

Joey: stop being so horny Shane, we can't have sex all the time

Shane: I know, I'm just messing with you and I want you to feel loved

Joey: I do feel loved by you

I leaned over the table and gave him a kiss.

Shane: but I want to love you my way

Joey: everything that you do makes me feel loved

Shane: that's sweet of you, so you want to go this weekend?

Joey: of course Shaney

We talked about random shit and the trip for a while. Shane won't tell me where we're going this weekend though. After a while of talking Shane got a phone call. By the way he talked I knew it was his mom. He hung up and put his phone back in his pocket.

Shane: sorry baby, I have to go

Joey: it's okay, love you

Shane: I love you too

He kissed my lips and then left.

Shane's POV

My mom said I needed to come home but didn't tell me why so I was kind of worried. I opened the door and saw my mom talking to Ian's mom.

Im in love with my bully (Shoey)Where stories live. Discover now