Part 44 Druges cant hurt an angel

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Joey's PO V

Since I told my mom about everything things have been better. I didn't drink or see Pewdie today and I tried to keep the smoking down. But I still haven't talked to Shane. I can't, he hates me and I'm just a heartless monster. I made him cry and I'll never forgive myself for that.

I was in my room doing nothing. Not even Minecraft can help me now. Then my mom knocked on my door.

Mom: Joey?
Joey: yeah?
Mom: can I come in?
Joey: yeah

She sat down on my bed.

Mom: so Joey, I haven't seen Bob in a while and I was think about going to Boston for the weekend
Joey: sure, why not?
Mom: well, I just don't want you to have to stay here all alone because I will take Jett with me
Joey: I can stay here. I need it

She kissed my head.

Mom: you can invite someone over so you're not alone
Joey: I'll think about it
Mom: sounds good. Be good Joey. I'm trusting you
Joey: okay, see ya.

Well, this should be good-a little time to myself without school.

I woke up from Jett shaking me.

Jett: Joey?
Joey: yes?
Jett: I'm going to miss you! We're leaving soon
Joey: I'm happy for you. Have fun in Boston
Jett: I will

He kissed my head and jumped out. I'm going to miss him, but why did he have to wake me up at 6 in the morning on a Saturday? Well, I can't go back to sleep now. I went on my phone for a while until I got a text from Pewdie.

Pewdie: you coming?

Should I? Getting high one last time couldn't hurt

Joey: yep! Be there in 20
Pewdie: wow, you're awake? Haha. Well see ya in a few

I got out of bed and got dressed then headed to meet Pewdie.


When I got to the place, Pewdie stood there smoking.

Pewdie: hi
Joey: hey
Pewdie: so how's it going?
Joey: not to good. I told my mom yesterday
Pewdie: well... You didn't tell her about me. Right?
Joey: never! I don't want to put you behind bars
Pewdie: thanks man, so what happened now?
Joey: nothing, just give me something to clear my head
Pewdie: okay, I have this new one. I heard it's good
Joey: have you tried it?
Pewdie: no. My friend did.
Joey: okay, let's try

We both took the pill and swallowed it with some beer.

Pewdie: have a good time now!

Sawyer's POV

I was with Amanda at her Dads please. We just had an amazing morning, if you know what I mean *wink* and we were now out on the balcony, looking over the early LA sky. Not many people were out since it's like 7 on a Saturday morning. I was holding my love's hand while looking over the house's roofs.

Amanda: there's not much to see right now. Just some people out getting stoned
Sawyer: any druggers live here?
Amanda: not in the apartments, more like in the empty factories

She pointed at the buildings below us. I saw two guys going up to the roof. I hope they're okay. One guy was muscular with nice hair and the other had old clothes and longer hair. They were screaming about something, probably just high. I looked over at Amanda and she made a weird face.

Sawyer: what is it babe?
Amanda: do you see those guys?
Sawyer: yeah
Amanda: one of them looks like Joey
Sawyer: no, it can't be
Amanda: you sure? I think it is

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