Part 58 the pain of truth

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Shane's POV

I sat in the back of all my classes and ignored the lessons. I just thought about how awful of a person I am. I regret this so much. I shouldn't have hooked up with that bitch even if it meant her leaving me alone. Since I'm in the class with my favorite teacher maybe I should talk to him?

After class I went up to his desk.

Shane: um, Mr. D?

Claus: yes, Shane?

Shane: I have a really big problem

Claus: well, let's talk about it. Maybe I can help

He closed the door once the classroom was empty. I took a seat in the chair in front of his desk and he sat down in his desk.

Shane: I... I did something really bad today. I thought it was good in the moment but regretted it right after...

Claus: so, what did you do?

Shane: I... cheated on Joey...

Tears started forming in my eyes.

Shane: I was the only one my ex wanted... she wanted it so bad that... she started cutting and I felt bad

Claus: I don't know what to say Shane. But, I do know that you have to talk with Joey about this

Shane: what am I supposed to say?!

Claus: first of all you need to calm down Shane. I know you boys have a strong relationship so you will get through this together. He will be mad and upset but it'll pass. Just be honest.

Shane: thanks

Claus: no problem. Also, can you give Joey his homework while you're over there?

Shane: sure and thanks again

I left school and drove to Joey's house. I was really nervous but I knocked on the door anyways. Joey is the love of my life, I have to come clean. The door opened.

Joey: hey baby. I missed you!

Joey threw his arms around me. I felt even worse

Shane: so... are you feeling better?

Joey: yeah. I think we can finally go on that... date...

He stroked my arm; I knew exactly what he wanted

Shane: we need to talk...

Joey: did something happen, Shaney?

Shane: you may want to sit down

I could tell Joey was worried. We sat down and I took his hand in mine.

Shane: I... I did something... really bad...

Joey: Shane?

Shane: but I want you to know that I regret it so bad. And, I actually hate myself for it

I started tearing up and Joey wiped them away; he hated seeing me cry.

Shane: I heard crying so I went in the bathroom and Lisa was there. Her arms... she cut them and I couldn't believe she had done that to herself. Then, she told me it was my fault and that she wanted to kill herself. Look, I don't love her... I don't even like her but, she asked me to save her by doing one thing...

I started to cry heavily and Joey pulled me into his arms. Once I calmed down some Joey replied.

Joey: what did she want?

Shane: to have sex with me

Joey: then what did you tell her?

Shane: I told her that I couldn't cheat but, she kept begging

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