Chapter 15: Leaving Town

Start from the beginning

  "Way to take the lead back there," Nile said. I was standing outside the door of the grocery store waiting for everyone.

  "It had to be done," I said shrugging. I had somewhat avoided Nile since Jeff's death and I felt almost guilty about it. I had realized that since I got together with this group of people I had been starting to soften up. I was not about to be caught with feelings.

  "Yeah but it didn't have to be done that early. It was kind of gutsy," Nile said. I felt like I detected a note of bitterness.

  "If you don't want to come than don't. Stay with your precious little family if you want," I mumbled just loud enough for Nile to hear.

  "Really? You think I want to stay here?" Nile asked. The amount of bitterness had grown.

  "Well you apparently don't want to come with. Get this through your head right now. I'm leaving today whether someone comes with or not. I was alone for three months. What's three more going to do to me?" I said. I didn't know why I had flared up all of a sudden but I think most of it had to do with the fact that I was hungry, tired, and ready to get out of here.

  "Well for starters you could probably get too cocky and a zombie would eat you," Nile said. I snapped my head up and looked at him. That's when I noticed how angry he looked, just because I brought up his parents.

  "Yeah, I'm sure that I'm the one who would do that," I said, glaring back at him.

  "Maybe I won't go," Nile said crossing his arms.

  "Okay, one less person I have to babysit," I said. I was determined to give him the idea that I wasn't weak anymore and I didn't need his pity.

  "You really are the same heartless person I met a week and a half ago, huh?" Nile asked. I shifted my gaze back to the ground abruptly and started to play with the knife that was in my hands.

  "Are you ready to go?" Ashley said, walking out of the store. Van and Trent were right behind her. They had no idea what they had just interrupted.

  "I've been ready for twenty minutes. It shouldn't have taken that long," I mumbled and pushed myself off of the wall.

  "Are you alright?" Ashley asked as we all started to walk into town.

  "I'm perfect," I mumbled. I was anxious to get out of the town and to the other end of the state as soon as possible.

  "What happened between you and Nile?" Ash asked. She didn't look at me as she talked to me, she just kept her eyes ahead and gripped her pistol tightly.

  I hadn't told her about the kiss and I didn't really intend to but she was probably asking about why we had been avoiding each other the past week. I just shrugged and scanned the area. This was where Nile and I had been attacked by Beige's group the first time.

  "Should we really go through their territory? I mean, look at what happened last time," Van said. I strained my ears for any signs of humans.

  "We should be fine. We just shouldn't draw too much attention to ourselves," I said. I started walking again and the group followed.

  "So, where are you going now?" A voice sneered. I turned my head and saw Beige walking towards us with two knives that were bigger than my head.

  "We're leaving. You can have this precious town all to yourself now. Just leave us alone," I snapped. I was one hundred percent done with this town and Beige.

  "Did you just snap at me?" Beige asked, faking shock. "Nobody. And I mean nobody snaps at me,"

  "Well I just did so you better restate  that sentence," I said through gritted teeth.

  "Astrix," Trent cautioned. I ignored him.

  "Well then let me do that. Nobody snaps at me and survives," Beige said, squinting his eyes. He lifted his arm up and threw one of his knives at me before I could do anything. I saw a blur in the corner of my eye and Nile rammed into me and we both hit the ground. I hit the pavement and the air went out of me.

  Beige ran towards Ashley and grabbed her around the neck. Ashley let out a strangled scream. Beige lifted a gun to Ashley's right temple.

  I pushed myself up but Beige hovered his finger over the trigger.

  "Stay down, Richards," Beige said and smiled.

  "How do you know-?" I began but was cut off when I felt something cold press into the back of my head. I turned slightly and saw the same girl that I had fought at the fight. She grinned and put her finger over the trigger. I trained my attention back to Beige.

  "You really know nothing, huh?" Beige asked. I squinted my eyes and shuffled a little. The girl pressed her gun farther into my head.

  "So, where we're you guys intending to go?" Beige asked. Ashley squirmed.

  "Why do you care?" Nile muttered. He was still on the ground. There was blood running down the side of his head.

  "I was just asking, no need to get sour about it," Beige said, shrugging.

  "Just let us go. You'll never have to see us again," Trent said. Beige seemed to consider it for a moment than nodded and pushed Ashley over to Trent.

  "Fine. Get out of here," Beige grumbled. Nile stood up and I was about to but the girl kicked me.

  "We can't let her go. I need her, remember?" The girl said. I looked up at her and gave her a killer glare.

  "Just let her go. I'm sure we will stumble upon her again," Beige said. The girl made an angry noise and smacked me with the butt of the gun. I glared at her again and stood up.

  "Get out of here. Now," Beige said. I glared at both him and the girl and walked towards the end of town. Nile fell into step besides me and Trent, Ashley, and Van were behind me. I studied the horizon and just kept walking. I was a girl on a mission and I wasn't about to let anything stop me.



So guys that girl? Remember her, she will be really important soon. Also don't forget about Beige. Those two play a crucial part later. How do you like the way Astrix and the rest of the gang toughened up? They may seem like bitches right now but hush. I have this under control for once.

READ THIS IT'S IMPORTANT!! What do you guys think of a sequel??? If you guys want a sequel then I have the name and I think I have a good idea of what's gonna happen. But your choice!

This is also important!! So when do you guys want me to post my new story? I have two that are ready to be published for the first chapter. So you choose one. Zombie apocalypse from my view OR a book about actual normalish teenagers?

So! Read on, comment on, vote on, fan on, and FEEDBACK ON!!! Love you guys!! :)

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