The Space of Marmora

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A/N: Art by PussycatScribbles

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Axca tended to Narti's wounds delicately, using a healing balm she bought from a merchant in a Galran scrap store. It seemed to be working well on the burns, but it would not heal the permanent damage to Narti's eye sockets and lips. Kova, Narti's dragon, snuggled up next to her for comfort.

They were sitting together in the forest, wondering what their next course of action would be. They had lost Ezor and Zethrid on the way, but Axca insisted that they had no time- she had to tend to the cuts and burns immediately. Narti stayed silent throughout the treatment and Axca could sense the guilt they were both feeling for leaving Lotor behind. He did not follow after them like he usually did and there were two powerful mages against him... Axca never hated herself more.

There came a rustling of trees in succession toward them. Kova hissed, spreading its wings. Narti froze while Axca carefully picked up her knife. She squinted her eyes at a tall figure with a glowing red eye. In the place of a left arm: a terrifying clawed gauntlet.

"Her Majesty recieved the report that you abandoned her son," a deep voice spoke from the trees, stepping out to meet her in the open grass.

The man was General Sendak: Zarkon's number one military leader... He lost his arm during his time on the front lines and has had it replaced with a robot appendage to withstand his quintessence. The Queen sends him to do his bidding in dire situations.

"I am loyal to the throne," Axca admitted, lifting her chin up at him defiantly, "but if I had left Narti on her own, she would have died."

Narti stayed still as a statue. For a moment, Axca expected her to take Sendak's sight and voice away, but they both knew that it would only make matters worse.

"The Prince is your priority," the General spat, "Your recklessness would have killed him."

He must have spied on them. If not him then Druids. No matter where they turned, they could not escape the Galran military. What was the point of going through with the mission if they were going to be surrounded by soldiers who would have got the job done way before them?

"Then why didn't you go in to save him yourself?" Axca rested her hand on her hip, annoyed.

"Queen's orders were not to interfere."

"And you're interfering now?"

"Also Queen's orders." Sendak grinned wickedly. "She had me follow you just in case the Prince didn't finish the mission."

Of course the Queen did not trust Lotor to kill an innocent boy. Axca had doubts too that he could pull it off. Although Lotor had a stern personality, he would never go through a murder unjustly. He was a man of pride and honour. The thought made her even more ashamed of abandoning him.

"Is he safe?" was all she could ask.

"He is safe. But the boy is still alive." Sendak took another step forward. "If Zarkon finds out about this, Lotor will be punished. We don't want that to happen do we?"

He was now one meter away from Axca, hand on his sword. If she disagreed to any instruction from him, he would not hesitate to impale her and Narti.

"Why are you here?" Axca asked, gripping her knife tighter.

Sendak chuckled in a low tone which gave her goosebumps. "You will be the one to help me finish the mission."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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