Tears Of The Galra

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Five Months Later

The Galra Kingdom

The Prince of the Galra Empire kneeled with his right arm over his chest. The armor he was wearing made it an effort to accomplish, but he managed to lower himself onto the cold, marble floor. He remembered killing someone at this exact spot on his sixteenth birthday five years ago. He remembered the heaviness of the sword in his hand, the tears in an innocent man's eyes and his father's controlling voice when he demanded him to slice the man's throat.

"Father, you called for me?" Prince Lotor spoke, his head bowed low.

In front of him, sitting on a large, golden throne sat his father: King Zarkon. He is known for his murderous and successful history, he had taken over 5 kingdoms of land in his lifetime, not caring if all his soldiers had to die before he received them. That was the Galra's motto, after all: victory or death.

Next to him, in a silver, smaller throne, sat his wife: Honerva, the witch of the Galra Empire. Her purple, Robeast Dragon perched on her arm threatening anyone who dare take a step towards the King. Honerva was responsible for leading the Druids, teaching them how to harness the power of their dragons in order to teleport. Additionally, Honerva's dragon is able to give the owner the power of immortality, including their soul mate.

"How many times have I told you to call me 'Lord Zarkon', boy?" the King snarled, gripping the arms of his chair.

Zarkon always despised his son. Lotor grew up with a much too sensitive heart, caring about and trusting others easily. Lotor had always been a great fighter, but he preferred talking and negotiating about issues without the need of war. To him, Lotor could never understand the concept of sacrifice. If he were a smart Prince, he would know what's best for the country and stop seeking for alternatives to get what he wanted for their people. Lotor never truly believed in "victory or death" meaning he would never be successful. Therefore, instead of ending up victorious, Lotor would most likely end up dead. That is why Zarkon refuses to call Lotor his son—  he would much rather save his tears for a worthy cause.

Honerva bit her tongue, afraid she would anger her husband. Unlike the King, she genuinely cared for Lotor, but could do nothing to stop Zarkon from being cruel to him no matter how many times she tried. Her power can only go so far... Sometimes she wonders why the Fates gave her such a terrifying soul mate, then she realised just how terrifying she could be.

"My apologies, Lord Zarkon," Lotor replied, "You called for me?"

"Yes." Zarkon lifted his right hand, indicating that Lotor must rise to stand, which he followed immediately. "I have a situation that needs attending to and I hope you are capable of seeing it through."

The Prince had constantly tried his best to make his father proud, but to no prevail. The last time he was told to lead an invasion upon a group of villagers, Lotor decided to negotiate instead by making them aware of the matter and asking for an alliance. As a result, Zarkon ordered his troops to kill every single villager that Lotor was responsible for. From that day, Zarkon had banished his son from the Galra and had not trusted Lotor with a task...until now.

Zarkon raised his left hand higher and the soldiers surrounding them moved out of the hall to give them some privacy. Some information was strictly forbidden for guards to hear, and if rumours spread and the King found out, there would be consequences.

"You know the story of how my older brother had died many years ago in a fire?" It was more a statement than a question.

Lotor replied, "Of course I do, Lord Zarkon."

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