Escape To The Blade

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A/N: above fanart is a crossover of Voltron and Blue Exorcist.

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Hunk did not tell anyone the truth about where Prince Lance had gone off to, partly due to the fact that he was the one who initiated the pursuit in the first place. Of course Lance would be the first person Hunk would tell about Shay and he would be damned if their future conversations about Keith turned into 'Why didn't you tell me your soul mate worked for mine?!' so he told Lance everything in the first go.

Hunk knew that Lance hated the frustration of waiting, he was one of the most impatient people in Altea so not doing anything about his soul-mate probably put a strain on the Prince and Hunk was willing to risk releasing that struggle. To his detriment, that meant witnessing his best friend to shove a personal sketchbook at him, leap upon a stallion, freeze an innocent guard and escape the gates of the Castle into a village he knew nothing about. The thinks Hunk would do for friendship.

A troop of guards came out after the alarm sounded and Hunk quickly hid the sketchbook under his apron before anyone could notice. The guards then bombarded him with questions such as:

"Where is the Prince?"
"Why did he leave the safety of the Castle?"
"Did he tell you where his destination would be?"
"Why aren't you helping to cook for the royal family's dessert?"

The main guard, Kinkade, and his soul mate stood at the front of them all, waiting for an answer. This put even more pressure on Hunk, but he had to make the reply seem easy and not too anxious, for Lance's sake.

He lied, "I-I don't know. One second, the Prince was talking to me about how excited he was for dessert and the next he just ran away from me and froze that guard." Hunk pointed to the guard that manned the gate who now sat on the ground, shivering. "I don't know if the Prince was planning this before he saw me, he looked eager to get out of here for some reason..."

They fell for it luckily and proceeded to hurry out the gates to where Lance ran off to. Kinkade ordered Hunk to start guiding the frozen guard to the warmth of the Castle, which showed Hunk a much kinder side to the lead, stern soldier that he had not expected before- at the end of the day, Kinkade just wanted to do his job right in order to protect anyone in the long run.

With one hand holding onto the guard and another supporting the book under his apron, Hunk made his way to the Castle where a tall figure was standing: Adam, Lance's trainor. They shared a single look and Adam immediately knew exactly where the Prince was headed.

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Lance's Point of View

I would be lying if I said that my encounter with the Prince of the Galra Kingdom would settle easily in my mind, because it had not. My parents' main objective was to protect the Altean citizens from outside forces, especially the Galra, yet I was literally one scratch away from being killed by their future leader. On the other hand, I had just found out that he may not actually hold that title because my soul mate was possibly the true heir to the Galran Empire. That is definitely a lot to register after a long day of discoveries.

The dominant emotion that I felt for Prince Lotor at that point was fury and distrust. What if he came back to hurt Keith? What if his subordinates wanted revenge for being burned? How dare he try capturing my soulmate in such a disgusting manner? That Lotor was such a deceiving, two-faced criminal who had the title of Prince. If he dared come near Keith again, he'd have to face the wrath of all my power. It's what Keith deserves...

Five whole months had passed without me pursuing my soul mate so sitting in front of him now in his room near the warnth of a fireplace had me feeling both grateful and anxious to be in that position. He was still wearing my coat, cross-legged, while watching me cover the wound on his hand which I insisted on tending to first. Our dragons were resting beside us nearer to the fire, cuddled up in each other's embrace, soaking up warmth (yes, I was a bit jealous of their sudden relationship, what's the matter with that?).

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