Return to the Marmora

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Keith's Point of View

Pidge took Takashi from me the second we made it to the Blade. She told me to wait outside the Main Tent while she worked her healing powers before handing me a small container labeled "Burn Balm". I was too busy saving Takashi to think twice about the scar on my jaw, now that I noticed it, it became a lot more painful so I followed Pidge's orders.

I still found it unfair because she allowed Ulaz to join the Main Tent and not me, but I understood her judgement. Pidge had told me many times before that she was not a doctor or surgeon so I should never ask her to help me with medical conditions, so having her insist on healing my brother just made me evermore grateful to have her in my life.

At first I thought she must have been updated on everything from the Juniberry. Although if she knew she would have to heal Takashi, she would most likely lose all connection with us after a while on purpose to save her power for later. Pidge is intelligent and always thinks ahead so I did not doubt her on her ability to save Takashi.

Antok told me to take off my mask and get changed into normal clothes before Altean guards suspected my appearance if I decided to go to the village, so I did as he asked. Afterward, while sitting on a lone chair outside waiting for the healing operation to finish, I stroked the back of my new ally: the Voltron dragon that saved my life a few hours prior. If it was not for that convenient moment, Ulaz, Takashi and I would have been caught and probably sentenced to death... Well, unless my soul mate...

I covered my face with my hand. Damn it. My soul mate. I was a coward, honestly. Certainly, saving my brother from the Castle is brave, but me punching 'the one' because I was too afraid to talk to him instead... That is cowardly. To be fair, I am a man of actions and not words— the only other possible thing I could have done was kiss him and hope he'd faint and we all know that is not an option.

"What do you think I should have done?" I whispered to my dragon, wondering if it knew what I was thinking or feeling.

There were still Blade members surrounding the Main Tent, waiting for orders, occasionally either  congratulating me on succeeding in the mission and achieving my own dragon or assuring me that Takashi will be okay. Nevertheless, I had to be as careful as possible because none of them knew about Prince Lance... Lance, as in Lancelot. What a beautiful name now that I think of it, to suit a beautiful boy... Oh, quiznack, I am going mad. I could feel myself blushing and it was most embarrassing and cursing to have someone so handsome and royal be mine. Oh, yes! But, oh no... If my dragon knew what I was thinking, it probably would have slapped me with the tail by now...

"Keith," a deep voice said from behind me.

Already knowing it was Kolivan, I stood up from my seat and turned to him. Kolivan glanced at my dragon and smiled and for a moment, I could tell he was impressed. Three members of the Blade now have dragons and each acquired Voltron breeds which is very rare.

"Well done, Keith," Leader congratulated, "You did well today. Not only did you save your brother, you have gained the title of a Mage. Ulaz and Pidge told me everything, so you do not need to worry about updating me on anything."

I doubt they did tell you everything, I thought. I asked him, "Is the healing done?"

"It is. Takashi is now resting in the Main Tent on a bed we set up for him from Pidge's orders. She's laying on a mattress upon the floor beside him because she used up her power. You should get some rest too."

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