From Centuries of Long Ago

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A/N: I changed the names because I realize how WRONG I was, ugh!

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Lance's Point of View

"I wonder what she's like," I said as I aimed my bow at the target meters away, letting go of the string.

My arrow shot right where I wanted it to and I cheered, "BULLSEYE!"

"Congratulations," Hunk said in a sarcastic tone, sitting on the bench beside my equipment, "You've done it. Just like every other time. Tell me again why I had to leave the kitchen for this?"

I rolled my eyes, wondering how in the world Hunk could compare spending time with me to working in the kitchen. Of course, Hunk was a born chef and he enjoyed making all kinds of delicacies for our royal family to try, but watching me succeed in Archery was a thousand times more fun!

"I figured you needed a break from constantly helping out your parents with food," I answered him, a bit insulted that he didn't entirely enjoy my form of entertainment.

"Who would want a break from food?!" Hunk gasped.

I laughed at his response and then put down my bow. I reached up towards my shoulder and stared at the masterpiece on my arm before me. I truly did admire my mark: the way the wings stretch slightly towards my chest and the delicate coil of tail around my tanned, caramel bicep. What strikes me the most, however, was the colour: dark- almost magenta- red, with white lining and patterns that portrayed an image similar to arrows, especially the sharp, black tip protruding from the tail.

"Are you still thinking about your soulmate?" Hunk asked, "Please don't say you're going to ramble on about her again?"

"I bet she is fierce," I said, ignoring my friend as he groaned at me, "because red does signify danger. That's exciting! Or she could be as delicate as a rose or sweet as red champagne..."

I had always fantasized about my soulmate: her appearance and personality, the way she treats others and her intelligence. Maybe she was completely opposite to me? The common phrase does say 'opposites attract'. Besides, I would always need someone to admit to things I cannot do, especially tasks relating to royal duties.

"Lance, it's best if you don't think too deeply into it," Hunk suggested, "Or else the moment you meet her, you might not be all that impressed because you have these high expectations..."

I scoffed, "Not impressed? Hunk, no matter who or what my soulmate is, I would still love and accept them. It's fate, after all. Besides, at least I talk about my soulmate."

Hunk feigned hurt, placing his hand on his chest. "I talk about my soulmate. I did talk to you about the pretty girl at the bakery, did I not?"

"The girl you are too afraid to make eye contact with?" I challenged, "If she was your soulmate, don't you think that you should actually find out directly?"

"I don't know how the soulmate thing works alright!" Hunk defended, folding his arms, " It's so confusing. Everyone says that when you meet your soulmate face-to-face, you just...know."

Ah, love at first sight: the best part of romance novels. I had never experienced it for myself but reading had been giving me an insight of what it would feel like to meet your soulmate and the books I had read describes the moment as riveting and beautiful.

"Just go up to her," I said, picturing a scene from one of my favourite books, Hunteress Becomes the Hunted, "You could walk up to her with flowers one day and ask for her name, or you could make a big entrance and finally brave yourself to look her in the eye... It wouldn't hurt to attempt."

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