The Ark of Taujeer

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A/N: art by dessa-nya on Tumblr

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Lance's Point of View

I always imagined riding through a crowd of people that would cheer for me as I passed them, waving to me as their Prince and savior. This was the complete opposite to what I had imagined: rows of Blade members on each side, glaring at me and whispering to each other in distatste— I swear one of them sharpened his sword while looking directly into my eyes— and I knew immediately that I was not welcome here at all.

Meeting Keith's brother was much easier and calmer than I thought it would be. When I first saw him, I honestly felt a bit nervous he seemed rough with a scar upon the bridge of his nose, built body and arm filled with quintessential revenge for being locked up in the royal dungeons. However, the knowledge that Adam was his soul mate eased the stress of me having to worry about that.

It was so strange to think that this man was my teacher's soulmate, that after being locked up in the dungeon Adam had helped him escape and risked the Castle's trust in him... Just like I had done. The student becomes the master, as the saying goes.

At the end of the explanation of our encounter with Prince Lo-turd, Keith had laughed, "I can't believe they think I'm the heir of the Galra, but as long as the village is more safe from my absence, all is worth it."

I could see in Takashi's eyes the pride he had for his brother, but was also a sadness there. I knew in my heart that there was something else to this story: a Galra Prince would not claim an Altean Mage as the true heir if he was not certain... If that was the case then Takashi was not Keith's biological brother and a part of me knew that my soulmate was in denial that that could ever be truth. Surely, their parents were involved in this somehow? I aimed to speak with Keith more on the matter.

Takashi and Pidge was leading the way in front of me, powers activated to show that no one here is allowed to hurt me and vice versa. Blue had flown back to me, perching on my shoulder just in case someone pounced on me at my side. I straightened my back and looked forward, making sure not to lift my chin to seem arrogant or lower my head to admit inferiority. I looked the Blade members in the eye with an attempted smile as if to say 'I come in peace'.

Keith was behind me, watching my back. I'm certain many people noticed  that the four of us each had Voltron Dragons, surely. What a crazy coincidence for all of us to meet! In our Altean History, I had been taught that the five 'lions' of Altea on our portraits represented Voltron Lions and there were myths which foretold that all Quintessence together created one huge dragon, the size of five elephants. I never believed it, but it seemed like the most fascinating thing to me as a child.

A man emerged from one of the tents with three other large, buff guards beside him each wearing the dark, Blade of Marmora armour. The look in their eyes promised my demise and I gulped nervously for what was to come.

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"The Heir of the Galra Kingdom?" one Blade member— his name, I learnt later was Ulaz— laughed, "You are fooling with us, Keith?"

A large group of Blade members surrounded us in the middle of a tent. I was tied up on a chair while Keith, Takashi and Pidge explained everything beside me. The leader refused to allow me in until they knew I was incapable of using Blue. I obliged, of course because I wanted to prove I wasn't a threat. I tried speaking for myself, but the crowd started shouting whenever I did so I just kept quiet.

Keith gave me worried glances every now and again, narrowing his brow at the rope around my arms. By the stars, if watching him become so concerned for me felt this good, being tied up is worth it.

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