The Blue Dragon

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A/N: we can run away together. Alpha Centuri (if you haven't watched 'Good Omens', you probably won't understand that reference).

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"What's the plan, Your Highness?" Lotor's Right-Hand, Axca, spoke.

They looked over the ledge of the cliff separating Altea from Arusia. The lights from the far buildings of the town started turning on as the sun set along the horizon. They had traveled for five days in order to reach this destination, now their planning could finally come into play.

Cracking his knuckles, Prince Lotor observed his team again: they were all wearing clothing that they assumed normal, Altean citizens wore because their Galra armour would be too suspicious and obvious to the opposition's perspective. Ezor and Zethrid were riding on the same horse, while the others stayed in their respective spaces.

Lotor wore a cloak to cover his platinum hair and Narti wore one to hide her face while her dragon perched onto her shoulder— Narti is blind and is a quiet General, but with the help of her dragon, Kova, she is able to see through other people's eyes while rendering them blind and speechless, she also worked her way into becoming one of the most useful soldiers to Prince Lotor.

Ezor and Zethrid, the lovebirds of the group (and frankly the most annoying) are soul mates who have been fighting alongside Lotor for years as well as his Right-hand, Axca. Ezor has the talent of athletics and flexibility, whilst Zethrid is one of the strongest female fighters in the Galra Empire. Axca is known for her leadership skills and strategic calculations. At the age of fourteen, she had been helping the Galra with their successful battle plans. They had all been friends with Prince Lotor as they grew up so when he got banished by his father, they all followed. Ever since, they pledged their loyalty to Lotor as his Generals until death.

The Prince smiled at his crew before answering, "You know the plan. The boy looks like his mother and his name sounds similar to 'Heath'." He folded his arms and leaned slightly back on his horse. "I eavesdropped on a Commander's conversation a few days ago when we were in the Castle, but it may be wrong."

"I still do not understand how we can just go around the village and ask people with open stalls about anyone possibly named 'Heath'?" Zethrid scoffed, "With the assumption that we'll get an answer!"

"Oh, c'mon, Love," Ezor said to Zethrid arm wrapped over her chest, "You know Lotor is always right when it comes to assumptions."

Lotor narrowed his brow, questions forming in his mind: had the Galra soldiers not already done this? If they knew his name that would be an enormous advantage. Why did they not persue him? Did his mother know where the boy lived? Why did the Galra soldiers not kill him themselves? Why did they send Lotor and his generals instead?

"My guess is that he has a proffesion related to a Fighter." Axca snapped Lotor from his thoughts, "Any half-Galra royalty has fighting skills in his veins. If he is in Altea, he'd be the best one."

"He could be anything, honestly," Ezor spoke almost in a chant-like manner, "A hunter, temporary arm-wrestler... Maybe he even works as a spy!"

"Investigate it all," Lotor replied, "Search for him and knock him unconscious. Bring him to me when you find him, you are all more than capable of doing it yourself, as am I."

Prince Lotor turned to Narti and ordered. "Only use your teleportation power if necessary, but be aware that the boy is a part of a 'secret group' of some kind that aims to attack Druids." He gestured to Narti's dragon, "The second you get caught teleporting, it's over for us. We need to be careful."

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