Some Assembly Required

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A/N: can you guess what the title of each chapter is referencing? P.S. guys, I reread the previous chapters I had and I didn't like the way I wrote it the first time. If you believe I should change something, PLEASE let me know in the comments or message me, thank you!

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Lance's Point of View

I had a strange dream a few nights after my niece and nephew came to visit. It was of an arrow hurtling towards me, seconds before darkness engulfed me. Among the darkness, stood a figure with beautiful, enticing purple eyes. A black fringe covered the rest of it's face under a black hood with a purple mark on the side that looked very similar to that of the Galra.

When I looked into the eyes, I could feel a whirlwind of emotions pass through me: heartbreak, worry... Love. A few moments later, the same arrow appeared and it felt so real- the feeling that it was going to hit me, the feeling that I was milliseconds away from death.

I woke up with tears streaming down my face.

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I did not speak of the dream to anyone. Not even Hunk. It is not because I was worried about the mysterious person in the darkness, it was because of the arrow that was hurtling towards me. I had read many books concerning Mages that have the ability to see the future in their dreams.

It led me to wonder whether or not my dream was actually a vision. What if shooting arrows, the only weapon I was skilled in, would eventually lead to my downfall? Maybe it was a warning? My family and Hunk would never allow me to use my weapon again. I was not prepared to let Archery go just yet.

However, I stayed up for the rest of that night thinking about purple eyes, pale skin and dark hair. Was that the person who would shoot an arrow at me? Was that possibly my 'killer'? Something more? Someone important... Maybe I was just being overdramatic? It was just a dream, it probably meant nothing.

"Lance, are you even listening to me?"

Oh, right, I was at breakfast with my family and my father appeared to be speaking to me. My siblings each gave me a confused, concerned look.

"S-sorry, Father," I apologised, picking up a spoon besides the plate that had been set out before me, "You were saying?"

My father's unimpressed gaze made me feel uncomfortable. My father was not a bulky man. If anything, my brother Luis was much more masculine than anyone in the family. The King was not a physical type, but he could kill with words. He did it to me every day to try and make me stronger. As the only Mage in the family and the best Archer of the Kingdom, my duty was to defend the royal family in a time of need. I knew that I was a very important member of our family and that I had a huge responsibility. My father loved me no doubt about it, so he would encourage me to reach my full potential in the most strict form: it hurt when he was not afraid to show his disappointment toward me.

My mother, on the other hand, is the light of my life. She always gave me a hug in the morning and would ask how my day was going. She let me know that she was proud of me each day, that I was the best Archer and her favourite little Mage. She gave me the attention I so rightfully deserved and knew when something was wrong with now.

"Is everything alright, Sweetheart?" Mother asked me, a worried expression on her face.

I smiled back at her and replied, "Of course, Mama. Thank you."

My father disliked it when my mother was too kind with us, especially me and Luis. Since Luis was the oldest brother and heir to the throne, he had to be stronger and more responsible than all of us. I was considered just as valuable as him due to my Mage and Archery skills, so I was a close second behind him. The difference is that Luis already had a soulmate.

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