Collection and Extraction

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A/N: above picture is a Klance crossover with 'In A Heartbeat' on YouTube, uwu.

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Keith's Point of View

Akira studied the bow-and-arrow in front of him and I could see his eyes sparkle with curiosity. The Blade had not taught archery to the kids yet, mainly because it is my least favorite weapon and I could never manage to get a bullseye in a short space of time (I can throw knives, however, does that count?). Akira placed his hand on the silver instrument before Shay could order him to help her sort out the bronze and iron plates with Sven.

I was busy assisting Shay's brother, Rax, with molting while Charles and Darla watched and Tsuyoshu accompanied Shay's parents behind the counter as customers purchased simple items like cutlery or tools for their own business. Shay and her family loved the first time I brought the kids over and were ecstatic when they saw them again. We were all enjoying ourselves while doing the same daily around the Workshop.

We finished everything earlier thanks to the help and encouragement of our younger guests. Rax suggested we take out the fresh bread from our stash and eat it with cheese and jam. Everyone agreed before Shay's mother proceeded to slice the loaves of bread into 5 pieces each, enough for all of us. We surrounded the main desk and ate with our hands, despite cutlery being only a meter away, we did not care. It felt like an actual family gathering— if only Takashi was able to join us without the guards noticing him in the village.

Shay separated from the group temporarily and said, "Now we've run out of bread! I'll go to the bakery to purchase more."

At that very second, we heard the door to the Workshop open by what we assumed would just be another regular customer. Shay turned around and froze, staring at the newcomer in front of her. I pushed myself from the desk after noticing her paralyzed stance and was ready to attack this customer if he had done anything to Shay in order to make her react in this way.

However, once I saw the feint, yellow glow upon the side of her torso I knew the truth. The boy in front of us was tall, burly and heavyset, with a square jaw and dark brown hair. His skin tone is mahogany and his eyes are dark to match. His hair is long and straight in the front, spilling over the yellow bandana he wrapped on his forehead. He wore a white long-sleeve shirt underneath a brown vest with an apron underneath. His pants were frumpy and brown, tucked into grey boots. A part of me thought he was quite muscular and broad whilst another part knew that no matter how attractive he seemed, he was not my soul mate... He was Shay's.

"Uhm, I... Uh..." the boy tried to form words, his hands fidgeting nervously as he shifted his feet.

He smiled awkwardly at Shay before scratching the back of his head. Shay just held both her hands to her heart in utter shock. Everyone in the Workshop just stared and watched this unfold before Tsuyoshu spoke, "They just...soul-mated."

Shay chucked and spoke, "Indeed we have."

She walked toward the boy who froze as she held out her hands for him to take. He obliged before speaking: "It is an honor to finally meet you. My name is Hunk Garret."

Shay replied, a huge grin upon her face, "Verily, a hunk you are. I am Shay Vox and the honor is mine."

A moment of gleeful blushes were exchange before the we all cheered and Shay's parents and brother welcomed him with open arms (literally, hugs, pats on the back and all). The kids stood next to me, glad they got to witness people 'soul-mating'. I decided that this was the perfect time to leave with the kids as the Vox family got to know Hunk better.

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