Return of the Princess

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A/N: gettin' ready...for the night of nights🎶 the night of nights, alright. Don't panic- PANIC!

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Lance's Point of View

The night before my birthday, Allura and her assistant had made their visit to the Castle of Dragons. I was not aware that she had planned to join us just before my royal ball, but I was nervous nevertheless. I had strong feelings for Allura ever since we met- a tiny 'crush', if you will. She was actually the reason why I second-guessed my true soulmate once in my life.

Since Allura was a Dragon Deity, she did not need a soulmate and could marry anyone she pleased. King Alfor married a women he loved and they chose each other, despite her having a deceased soulmate. Her mark had already gone before she could meet him. However, you can still love with someone that makes you happy, who is not your soulmate. Allura made me quite joyful and I had not told her this yet, but I would not mind being her lover if it came down to making that ultimate decision.

"Princess Allura!" I called to her as she made her way into the Castle, her assistant by her side.

"Good afternoon, Lancelot," she greeted with a beautiful smile.

Her white, luxurious hair and sparkling blue eyes sent waves of nerves through my stomach. She was wearing a blue dress and the pink markings on her face enhanced the true shine upon her chocolate skin.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" I asked, trying my utmost best not to stutter.

"The Princess would like to wish you an early 'Happy Birthday!'," replied her assistant, Coran, "We heard you are turning eighteen! You've grown so fast!"

Coran had worked besides Alfor through the darkest of times. He had watched me and Allura grow up and had the more wisdom than most Alteans about politics and draconic markings. Alfor had admitted once that if there was anyone in the universe he would trust with his life, it would be Coran.

"We missed you. It's good to see you both again," I told them.

"We missed you too," Allura said. I swear, I could have seen her blush...

"Yes, we have, good sire!" Coran replied energetically, interrupting our moment.

I looked down at his suit and noticed a purple-pink flower protruding from the pocket of his jacket. The familiar scent put a smile to my face as it reminded me of the days Veronica and I used to pretend making 'Juniberry Cake' for our parents.

"I do like the accessories," I said, pointing to the flower on Coran's suit, "Are you aware that it is Altea's royal flower?"

"And that only the royalty is allowed to grow it," Allura said, "We are aware."

Of course, Allura and Coran were considered to have much higher positions than that of royalty so they could honestly do whatever they pleased.

"We haven't been here in such a long time that I have forgotten what everything looks like!" Coran exclaimed, raising his brow at a painting of a red soldier on the wall.

"In that case," I said, gesturing down the corridor, "Let me give you a tour, to refresh your memory."

"That would be excellent, Lancelot," Allura replied, "thank you."

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