"Isn't Takashi supposed to be back by now?" Shay asked, placing some utensils back on the shelves, "He said he'd be going to the market, right?"

I stopped petting Blacksmith for a moment, glancing out the window. "You don't think he's looking for...?"

Shay shrugged. "I'm not sure, Keith, it's probably got something to do with..." She dropped her voice to a whisper, "The Blade."

I nodded understandingly and gratefully, making my way to the welding pit. I dismissed Shay from her duties and called it a day so that I could feed Blacksmith in peace.

* * *

My brother strolled in with a bag of groceries and sheets of steel for forging weapons (thanks to our usual trader) and he watched me as I fed his dragon pieces of bread and cheese.

"Oh, I was about to do that," he said, "Thanks."

Blacksmith jumped out of my lap and scampered to his master, looking a bit worried.

"Where have you been?" I asked, a hint of warning in my voice.

Takashi put the bag down on the table and answered casually, "The market,"

Just as he turned around to pet Blacksmith, I noticed a dark line running down his back under his grey shirt. He had the nerve to lie to my face!

I scowled. "Were they selling whips?"

He hesitated for a second and sighed, "You got me. I got into a little fight."

Suddenly, a wave of protectiveness and anger came over me. I stood up and shouted at him, "Why didn't you take Blacksmith with you? Why do you always leave him with me when you know you're powerless without him?"

"Blacksmith stays here to protect you and that is final," Takashi said, glaring back at me, "We've discussed this already."

"But you will-"

"Be fine! Today, there was a thief with a knife and I acted in the moment. It won't happen again."

I highly doubted that. He would do it a thousand times again if he had to because he was always convinced that that is what a great leader should do. That's just my brother: always playing the hero ever since I was born. I sighed in a defeated manner. There was no use arguing with him.

"Is your mark okay?" I asked, feeling myself grow a bit more calm.

I was still upset with my brother, but I cared about his wellbeing more. Takashi slowly grabbed the back of his shirt and raised it higher to show me.

I studied the grand portrait before me, admiring the art of the accurate representation of a Black Voltron Dragon. Blacksmith joined me, practically staring at himself upon Shiro's back: black, triangular wings spread out over each shoulder blade and the head portraying a proud roar just below the nape of his neck.

"How's it look?" he asked.

Luckily the recent wound was not deep enough to be stitched, merely a scrape. It would sting to treat, but it wasn't as severe as the wound Takashi had received on the bridge of his nose a few years back.

"It's alright," I replied, gripping my own mark on my left arm.

* * *

Everyone is born with a mark that represents their soulmate. Takashi had been born with a dragon mark on his back, a Black Voltron- it is rare to be blessed with a Voltron dragon to share your Quintessence with (more on that later). There are legends that say Voltron dragons can shape-shift, that they are Defenders of the Universe. How myths can deceive.

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