I got the remote off the table and turned on the tv. Surprisingly the cable was still on. We hadn't really paid any bills since before we left. I turned it on MTV to watch Teen Wolf, I haven't been able to watch it while I'm touring. I laid back and drank my beer while they showed the reruns.

"Hey." A voice said from behind me. I was startled and jumped, wasting some of my beer on my shirt.

"What the hell?" I turn around to Jonny there. "What are you doing here?"

"I was in the garage. I have some things that I left here and I wanted to make sure they're here." He explained as he came to sit by me. "What are you doing here?"

I sighed and put my beer on the table. "Me and Kellin kind of got into it." I told him.

"Already? What happen?" He picked up my beer and took a swig.

"Nothing, it's just complicated." I didnt feel like reliving the whole thing.

"Okay. Well I'm here if you need me." He stood up and handed me beer.

"Thanks." I told him.

"Hey, I'm going back to the bus, you coming?" He asked.

"No, I think I'll stay here." I smiled and he waved as he went out the door.

I sat back and waited for the commercials to go off. I hated watching them, like who wants to know a snickers satisfies your hungry? They're just stupid. Just when Teen Wolf came back on I got a call.

"This better be fucking good." I mumbled. I hated when people interrupt my show. "Hello?"

'Hey.' I didn't know who the familiar voice was. I looked at the caller ID, it was Jaime.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked him.

'Nothing. What about you?'

"Watching TV." I said bluntly.

'Ohh.' Was all he said.

His side of the line went silent. I became agitated because he was making me miss Teen Wolf.

"Jaime, you called for a reason. What do you want?" I was never the one to sugar coat things.

'I miss you. I thought when you broke up with me, it was my fault. I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't see you at school anymore. You're mom told me that you moved.' He voice faded when he said those last word.

"Yeah. I live in Utah now." I told him.

'Vic, I miss you. I miss what we had. I love you, and I'm willing to change. I'm sorry for whatever I did. Please give me another chance?' He begged.

"I don't know." Me and Kellin had just got into it and I don't want to rush. I'll have to think about.

'Please Vic?' He pleaded.

I remembered that we were going to California for a concert. We would be there on New Year's Day. That was nearly 3 weeks away.

"I'll have to think about it. But I won't be back in California until New Years Day." I told him.

'That's fine. I can't wait. Thank you Vic. I love you.' He said before hanging up.

---Time Elapsed: 9 weeks. Date: February 10th.---

**Kellin's P.O.V.**

I have been working everyday just to get him this present. He deserved it for everything. I went into the store to get it, I had it put on hold for me.

"Hey Kellin. Are you here to get it?" The manager asked me.

"Yeah Jackson, that'll be great." I smiled in his direction.

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