Saying I Love You

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Time passed for the twins. As their mother's belly grew with the baby inside her, Elrond turned most of his attention to her. It was peaceful bliss for the twins, meeting with Faer at the archery fields in the mornings, and spending the rest of the day running and drawing, their activities un-ruled by the judge.

And then the baby was born.

Rivendell was full of excitement at the birth of Arwen. Celebrian rested with her new daughter clasped to her bosom in her room, gazing at the sweet, fresh face before her.

Outside in the hallway, the twins pleaded with their father.

"Please may we see her? Naneth was in there with you alone for so long."

"Come in and meet your new sister," Elrond said, opening the door. "Be quiet. The baby is asleep and your mother is tired."

A fire burned in the hearth and the windows were closed to the cold winter air outside. The twins crossed the floor on quiet feet to the side of the big bed. Celebrian sat propped up against pillows piled against the headboard, the blue and white comforter spread over her. Her face was tired but her eyes were shining. She turned her head to smile at the twins.

Celebrian put her finger to her lips, and shifted the blankets as Elladan and Elrohir came closer. Both elflings gazed down at the round pink and white complexion of the baby. Her eyes were closed to them, but soft lashes lay on her cheeks.

"We have named her Arwen," Celebrian said softly.

"Come now, out of the room," Elrond said, placing a hand on either one of his sons' shoulders and escorting them to the door. "You will eat dinner alone tonight. I will come up and tuck you into bed, and I will expect you both to be there."

"May we come back tomorrow and sit with naneth?" Elrohir asked, casting a longing look back at the bed before the door closed.

"We will see how your mother is feeling tomorrow," Elrond said. "Dinner will be on the table for you now so run along."

The twins watched their father enter the bedroom and close the door. It clicked, dismissing both elflings.

Elladan and Elrohir walked to the dining room and sat down to a quiet meal of fried meat and bread. Once the dishes were empty, Elladan slumped forward and rested his cheek on one bent arm. He yawned.

Elrohir looked at him. After a moment he twisted and looked at the clock.

"It is an hour until bed time," he said.

"I slept badly last night," Elladan murmured. "I was worried about naneth."

"Me to," said Elrohir. "I wish ada had let us stay longer. Naneth looked as fresh as the baby."

Elladan dragged himself out of his chair and made for the door, rubbing his eyes. Elrohir followed him. In their bedroom, both elflings changed and collapsed into bed, to pleasant dreams of a smiling mother and a laughing baby.

At the crack of dawn, both twins awoke. Elrohir sat up, shoving his hair out of his eyes and hurling back the blankets.

"I am dying to see Arwen and naneth again!" he said as he slid out of bed.

"The mere glimpse of her yesterday was not enough to satisfy our need to see our new sister," Elladan agreed.

The elflings changed and dashed for the door. Under the exit, the turned and looked back at the unmade bed. The twins exchanged woeful glances before they went to make the bed.

Bed made and a tasteless breakfast choked down, the twins ran for their parents' bedroom door, and bumped into Elrond.

"Good morning, ion nins," Elrond greeted them, ruffling their hair. He frowned. "It does not appear you have combed your locks."

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