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Thranduil relaxed in his seat and reread Celebrian's letter for the tenth time in three weeks.

Dear Thranduil,

Misfortune has befallen my husband and he finds himself injured, and in need of my attentions for a while to come before he recovers and is ready to take up the reins of the family again. While he lies abed, and I am nursing him, we cannot possibly look after the twins. As Glorfindel and Erestor will be busy filling in our places, and I do not feel comfortable leaving my sons to the care of the servants, I ask you to please take care of Elladan and Elrohir until Elrond is better.

I know my sons can be trying, and their mischief is hard to contend with, while they disobedience is sometimes difficult to deal with. Should the occasion arise, whatever punishment you deem fit to reprimand them will be, I am sure, just and fit to the occasion.

I am hopeful you will agree to care for the twins.

Best wishes,

Lady Celebrian.

"One can only imagine the state Rivendell is in if Elrond cannot trust his sons in the hands of his people," Harune remarked.

Thranduil smiled. "Now, ada, I am not sure that is the case. But perhaps Celebrian feels they will be able to take their minds off their father here, in a new, never before visited realm."

Harune nodded. "It may be so. The wording of the letter is a little strange. I cannot place it but it has a peculiar ring to it. Especially the bit about punishment."

Thranduil shrugged. "I know Legolas is excited at the thought of seeing the twins again. They will be here soon."

"Landion is thrilled," Harune admitted.

"And what about you?" Thranduil asked.

"I am, on the whole, bracing myself for the hurricane. Four elflings running through these halls will cause the trees from which it was carved to shake."

Thranduil grinned. "And no doubt the list of damaged and destroyed property pinned to my office wall will soon expand dramatically."

"It is nothing to joke about," Harune frowned.

"While in Rivendell, Legolas and I both felt as though something was off about the twins," Thranduil continued, "Something about them did not quite add up . . . their auras were off. Perhaps you will be able to place it."

"I will try," Harune promised.


The dullness of the long trip from Rivendell faded as the grand, twisted trees of Mirkwood spread out their boughs above the party of Rivendell elves. Elladan and Elrohir straightened in their saddles, shaking away their gloom.

"I have never been," one elven guard remarked as he ran his eyes over the trees. "But it is . . . interesting. Quite primitive."

"I think it is beautiful," Elrohir volunteered, taking in the fresh air and mossy woodland scent.

"We are all entitled to our opinions," the guard replied.

Elrohir slumped. The whole journey had been one long boring ride, with every conversation he had ever attempted cut short in the same abrupt way. It was almost as if their guards thought they were below intelligent discussion.

"When will be reach the palace?" Elladan asked.

"Tomorrow," the guard replied.

"I wonder what it looks like," Elladan said to his twin.

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