Chapter 17

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A/N: Hi, guys! All of my friends are busy today, so I'mma write a good few chapters today:)

The next few chapters are going to be mainly about Phil and Abbie, because they play a massive part in the story later to come. And all the drama happens soon!:)


Michaela storms out of Dan's room and walks into the kitchen trying not to laugh.

"Bye Phil, thanks for inviting me over!" She smiles warmly before walking out the door.

"Phil, can you come up here for a minute?" Dan calls from his room. I down the rest of my coffee so I can stay awake during Dan's rant.

I walk into Dan's room and he's staring at the wall... Confused?

"Phil I don't know what in doing..." He sighs. I walk over and stand beside him. He looks at me this time.

"You and Abbie are starting a family. I can't just stick around here while you two have a child and are married when I don't even know whether I'm going out with Michaela or not!" He exhales deeply, trying to hold tears back. Is THE Dan Howell about to cry in front of me?

"Dan... You know that we're pretty much brothers, right? Abbie or I don't mind how long you stick around for! It's not like you won't find your way through life. I am four years older than you, you know?" I smile reassuringly, trying to make him feel better. Dan smiles crookedly and looks at me, biting his lip.

"Th-thanks Phil..." Dan whispers, his face using every ounce of concentration on him trying not to cry. I hold out my arms for Dan. He wraps his arms around me and I engulf him in a warm hug.

"We need each other, Dan. And what's the story with Michaela?" I say quickly, trying to change the subject. He pulls away slowly and points at the bed, letting me know that I'd have to sit down. He pulls out his butt chair from the piano and looks at the ground awkwardly for a minute.

"I... I don't know," he says finally, still staring at his fluffy white carpet.

"I really like Michaela, and I know she likes me too! But she'll never forgive me! She thinks I want to date Vicky again, and I wish I'd told her about Vicky sooner... She's understand! But now she won't talk to me until the wedding and-"

"The wedding?" I interrupt him. "Why the wedding?"

"I dunno... Maybe she wants cake and it's an excuse to talk to me... I don't know?" He says, laughing slightly to himself. He takes a deep breath and looks up. He really likes Michaela...

"I... I talked to Michaela this morning. She said she believes me, and she knows the whole story with Vicky... But she said she just needs some time to figure things out, you know? I think the wedding is when she takes you back!" I say, standing up in triumph. I don't want Dan to get hurt again!

"You think?" He asks, surprised but happy. His face lights up at my suggestion.

"Definitely! Now, I have to go and sort out the colour arrangements and all that jazz for the wedding! We've booked a meeting for 8 o'clock and so I'll have to talk to you about all this later!" I say, rushing out of the room. Dan smiles widely, glowing with happiness. It's good to see a happy Dan again.


I straighten the last strand of my naturally curly hair and look in the mirror, pleased with myself for once. This is the last thing we need to be organised for the wedding, and then we're done. I'm getting married in a week! I'm going to be Mrs. Abbie Lester!

I grin at the thought of it. The words dance around my head, gracefully, making my smile wider every time I hear the name.

Phil bursts in the room, jumping around, trying to put his skinny jeans on. Slides them up his thighs and fastens then with a belt. He then picks up a blue and green checked shirt on the floor, and buttons it up faster than I've ever seen him do before. He slips two odd socks from his drawer on, and jumps into his trainers. He looks at me and smiles, fixing his messy hair.

"You look so pretty!" He smiles, jumping over to me and hugging me tightly from behind. I pout, happily and he see's me in the mirror. He puts a strand of my golden hair behind my ear and kisses my warm head.

"If you look this gorgeous now, I can't wait to see what you'll look like on our wedding day!" He beams, wiggling around behind me. I laugh uncontrollably at the fact that my fiancée is a clown!

"Shall we get going?" I ask in an American accent, smiling at him in the mirror.

"Sure. Michaela thinks that she'll have to help, she doesn't know that we're pretty much done with the wedding!" He says as we walk out of the room.

"Well, it's less effort for her then, isn't it?" I say rushing out the door. "Bye Dan!" Phil shouts, as he jumps out if the house after me.

We pace to our car, hoping that it won't rain any heavier than it's raining now. We hop in and Phil starts the ignition. The last day of planning our wedding...


"The gold and white room, please," I say to the woman at the reception, squeezing Phil's hand tightly. The only rooms available for our date, as we changes it was a white and golden room and a red and golden room. Together, we both chose the the white and gold.

"That's perfect, ma'am. I hope you have a fantastic wedding!" She beams, showing off her yellow teeth. I smile back and thank her, before leaving arm in arm with Phil.

"Let's go somewhere for lunch!" Phil says, starting to drive towards Nando's.

We arrive, and Phil orders is both a chicken wrap. I look around the room and notice a man and a woman around the same age as me and Phil. The woman is holding a child, who is roaring crying and the man and getting frustrated with her. She looks as if she's about to cry too.

I look at Phil, who's just say down with our food.

"Are you okay, Abbie?" He asks, holding my hands.

"What?- yeah, I'm fine.." I say, plastering a fake smile on my face. I take a deep breath and cup my stomach protectively. A small life is forming inside my stomach, that Phil and I are completely responsible for. I smile down at our unborn baby, a tiny little dot that'll one day be the size of me. I smile at the thought of it and start at my wrap.


We arrive back at the apartment and Abbie seems quiet. She's been a bit... Nervous all day.

We sit at the table and look at each other for a moment. I once again just notice how beautiful she is, and how lucky I am to be marrying this gorgeous woman.

"Phil... At Nando's I saw a new family... They didn't look happy at all! The baby was crying and so was the mother- and the father was shouting! What if this happens to us, Phil-"

"Abbie... We're ready for this. We'll be a happy family, we'll have a happy baby! We'll be a happy couple... Me, you and baby Lester will be perfect. Like you and I are now," I saw softly, holding her hands.

"I love you..." I whisper. She looks up into my eyes and smiles unsurely. "I love you too baby" she says. I hug her tightly.

"Don't worry, we have each other, and Baby Lester needs us." I say, kissing her forehead softly. She calms down instantly.

I love her to pieces, and being scared is all part of this, isn't it?


Hey! Oh my fuck, 500 reads! THAT'S HALF OF A THOUSAND!!! I love you guys so much, you're actually the sexiest people ever! Phil, Dan, Michaela and Abbie are all gonna like... Explode within the next few chapters so please keep reading if you wanna know what happens!



In Your Arms - A Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) FanfictionsWhere stories live. Discover now