Chapter 7

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"Do you want to meet Melanie? She'll be home in about five minutes if you want to stay for a while!" She says, unsure.

"Um, yeah sure! I love meeting fans..." I plaster a fake smile on my face. I had to sound nice if I want them to like me! And by the looks of it Melanie already does.

She walks me into the living room and sits on the couch, patting the cushion beside her, telling me to sit down. The living room is well decorated and very modern, with black suede couches and grey and white wallpaper behind them. A massive flat screen television sits above the fireplace, and the floor was covered by a fluffy white carpet. "So, you listen to Panic! At The Disco... Or was that you singing along with me?" I ask, smiling at her. I look into her eyes, instantly getting lost in the sea of blue.

"Yeah I think that was me Singing But It's Better If You Do after you sang the first line... Maybe I'm not sure!" She laughs, putting her hands out by her side, shrugging. I giggle loudly, mimicking her. She grabs my arms and pushes them down, jokingly. I fight her force and try to keep them up. Suddenly I bolt both of my arms upwards, causing her to fall off the couch with a loud thud.

"OH SHIT I'M SO SORRY!" I shout, leaning over the couch to check on her. Her face is emotionless. Her coat has become undone, and I admire her slim figure.

"Stop looking at me ya perv!" She shouts giggling, quickly putting her coat back on. I help her back up onto the couch. We catch each other's eyes, and burst into hysterics, causing both of us to fall this time, causing us to laugh even more!

"I didn't know you had a boy over!" Shouts an even stronger Irish accent from the door. Michaela pokes her head around the couch, giving whoever's at the door a sharp look.

"And you're having SEX on our lovely white carpet?! It's white enough as it is, thank you very much!" It was Melanie. Mental Melanie.

"We weren't having sex! Stand up Dan, and show us your fully clothed body!" I stand up, fixing my t-shirt, from being folded in half on the floor.

"He just put his t-shit on right th-" she pauses, staring at me.

"No... Fucking way!" She stutters, her jaw dropping in awe.

"Hi!..." I say, grinning widely. Looking around the room, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Why are you in my house?! With Michaela?! She knows I like you... And oh my God I hope you didn't see the poster..." She doesn't even know me?

"I saw the poster." "He saw the poster." Me and Michaela say in unison, trying not to laugh at her anger. She was going to kill Michaela to say the least.

"Oh, well at least he knows how much I appreciate him." She smiles. I look at Michaela in confusion, knowing by how she approached us she's usually angrier than this. Michaela seemed confused too.

"I'd better go, Phil's probably waiting for me, would you like a picture before I go?" I smile, really wanted to get away from Melanie. I don't even know her and already she scares me.

She holds out her phone and duckfaces as she's about to take the picture. And like the good Dan I am, I decide to duckface too, so people think I'm nice to my fans. I am but to be honest I was scared for my life, she had her greasy black hair tied up in a ponytail at the top of her head, her makeup was put on so heavily that you could probably poke a hole in what looked more like Dorito dust than her foundation. She was covered head to toe in Adidas, and she was quite overweight.

"Dan, selfie?" Asks Michaela winking at me. I take her phone, it's on the NOTEPAD app, and not the camera.

Pretend you're posing for the camera, and write your number below! ;)

Was written on the page. And so I did that! "Bye guys, I hope to see you soon!" I smile handing the phone back to Michaela. She's cool...


I stare in the mirror. I stare at the disgusting bitch who abused the privilege of dating a wonderful guy like Phil. I got so mad at him.. And now he hates me!

No Abbie stop, you love Phil, Phil loves you. You're making a big deal. It was a tiny little argument and you two will be perfect again in no time!

I reach for my makeup bag on the sink and zip it open, taking a deep breath as I do so. I take out my blade I had kept hidden at the bottom of by bag, and sit in the corner of the bathroom.

You're a horrible person. Phil doesn't love you, he never did! You're so fat and ugly and more useless than Dan's belt! You're not funny nobody laughs at the jokes you make, nobody likes the same things as you. Why do you bother? Nobody cares about you! You could die and nobody would care!

A voice says in my head. A part of me thinks this wasn't true, but was overtaken by the giant part of me that knows it is.

A tear tickles my cheek as it rolls down my face, and lands on the floor gracefully. I throw my head back at the wall, liking the pain it delivered. "I HATE YOU!" I shout, hitting it harder this time. "EVERYONE DOES!" I shout again, hitting my head so hard, it took my a second to get back to reality.

I hold the blade above my wrist, every bad thing anyone has ever said about me rings in my ears, making me want to cut even more.

I place it on a previous scar, tracing above it lightly, and cutting deeper as I go along. I squeal in pain spinning my head around. I cut over a clean piece of skin, grunting as it slits into my flesh, but I needed the pain.

I hear a creek and look up instantly.

"Abbie what are you doing?" Pants Phil, almost about to cry.

I breathe faster unable of what to say.

"I-I I don't know... I just can't- I don want to- I don't know why, Im just-" I babble, choking on my tears.

"Abbie, it's okay. Everything's alright. We don't have to talk now, we can talk whenever you're ready.." Says Phil, trailing off.

"Phil I thought you hated me. But I mean... I know you don't! I don't know what came over me, it just happened and I'm... I want to talk now." I whisper.

He takes my hands, holding them upwards so he can see my wrists.

"You've been doing this for long.." He says, biting his lip. "I've wanted to tell you for so long but-"

"But you couldn't. It's alright, Abbs. We'll get you over this!" He says, pulling me in for a kiss, and I don't hesitate to kiss him back, I just want him to hold me again. He sits beside me and I rest my head in his shoulder. It was going to be a long night...


Hello! I hope this chapter wasn't too sad, it was hard to write because I don't know how it feels to do this. That's the hot of writing, you have to guess how everything is, even in you don't know. I hope you liked it anyway!:)

50 people read my book! Doesn't sound that amazing, because you all probably have thousands of reads! Anyway I'm #HappyOut xx


In Your Arms - A Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) FanfictionsWhere stories live. Discover now