Chapter 15

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I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs, that overpowers the manly smell of Dan's cologne. I look up, he has his arms around me securely, and if I moved, I'd wake him up.
"I know you're awake" Dan giggles sleepily, adjusting his position slightly. I laugh, looking up at him. His eyes are closed but he's awake.
"I thought that was you, making breakfast for us!" I whisper, cupping his face in my hands.
"That would be me... If I knew how to cook," he says, looking down at me into my eyes. "Should we be getting up now? We won't get any food unless we're in the kitchen while Abbie or Phil are cooking. I know from past experiences!" Dan laughs sleepily, kissing my forehead. I sit up and push his hair back, making it messy. He smiles at me, fixing it back.
"Let's go!" I say, jumping out of bed and casually walking into the kitchen with Dan following along behind me.
"Hi Michaela!" Phil says, cracking another egg on the pan. I wave at him, and sit beside Abbie at the table. Dan then walks in, in his boxers and his patchwork t-shirt, sitting beside me and Abbie.
"Hi guys, oh my god I'm so stressed!" Abbie says through gritted teeth, cover her face with her eyes.
"Why, what's the matter?" I say, looking at both Dan and Phil with a worried look.
"Well, I'm pregnant-" "congratulations!" I smile. Because I'm not actually meant to know that she's pregnant.
"Thanks, and well... We moved the wedding to next week, because I'd have gained a good lot if weight before the wedding, and I want to look good, you know?" She asks, taking a deep breath. Dan look at her with a surprised look.
"Next week?" He shouts, looking back at Phil. Phil nods, still staring at the pan.
"Don't worry, I'll help you every step of the way! Even if it is only a week!" I say, patting her shoulder reassuringly. Abbie just smiles at me, as if go say thanks. The poor girl...
Phil walks over with a tray of four plates of eggs, bacon, sausages and soda bread.
"Thanks, Phil!" Me and Dan say in unison. We look at each other and laugh to ourselves. Phil giggles, sitting down beside Abbie.
"Thanks, sweetie." She says with no emotion on her face. She was fine yesterday?...
I take everyone's plates and leave them in the dishwasher.
"How about we go for a walk, it might settle you down," Phil says to Abbie, holding her hands. Abbie nods quietly and Phil wraps his arms around her, leaning his chin on her forehead. Without saying bye to either of us, Phil and Abbie walk out of the apartment, leaving me and Michaela alone.
"Wow... Abbie isn't in a great mood today!" She says, walking towards me with her arms out. I walk over and hug her tightly.
"I'd blame her period if she wasn't pregnant.." I giggle. Michaela laughs into my neck, kissing it gently.
I jerk my head to the side, almost crushing her face.
"Nope, anywhere but my neck!" I slowly move my head into its proper position and kiss her forehead.
"How about we watch some tv? Any programmes in mind?" I say, staring into her pale blue eyes, swaying her from side to side in my arms.
"How about the OC?" She asks, her face lighting up. The what?
"Yeah, sure! Cat loves that show.. I have no idea what it is though! You'll have to talk me through it," I say, walking her into the sitting room.
"Well I'm only one episode into it but is about this boy-" the doorbell rings. "Hold on a minute, I'll get that!" She offers, running to the door. I walk out to the hallway, looking to see who's at the door.
"Oh, Abbie.. You've changed a lot since I saw you last!" A familiar female voice cackles.
"I'm not Abbie..." Michaela says, confused. The woman at the door pushes Michaela aside and let's herself in.
"Dan, hi babe. I missed you so much! She runs over and kisses me on the cheek.
A pale girl with brown curly wait and bright green eyes pushes me out of the way and walks over to Dan. The dock does she think she is??
"Dan, hi babe. I missed you so much!" She beams running over and kissing Dan on the cheek. She's clearly no stranger to Dan, he knows her well, as he accepts the kiss.
"Who the FUCK are you, kissing my boyfriend?" I shout, poking her in the chest and taking her away from Dan.
"Your boyfriend? Oh shut up, you've only known each other for five minutes!" She says, looking up at me.
"I can explain, just hold on!" She says, taking her phone out. Dan isn't doing anything, he's just leaning against the door, biting his lip. Has he done something he just wants to admit but can't.
"Vicky, I love you. I... I want you back, Vicky! I've been laying here on my own for a whole week, and I want you back, babe. I wanna hold you!" Says Dan's voice through her phone.
"That, along with 8 other voicemails is what Dan sent me. I bet he hasn't sent you sh-" she notices the tears starting to form in my eyes.
I look over at Dan, who is mortified, but knows well he sent those messages.
"Dan... You're a FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I scream, and tears start to gush down my eyes like waterfalls. I run out into the rain. I sprint into my house and into my room, angry and upset.
How could he do this to me? He said he wanted me, but he wants her. Why do I care? I hate him I HATE him!
I stomp across the floor, grunting in anger. I begin to read the poster that Melanie left on the wall down, making sure I rip it very harshly, like I'll fucking rip his head off next time I see him. I take a deep breath, almost choking on my tears. I wipe my eyes with Dan's MCR t-shirt I had on my from the night before. All I want right now, is for him to hold me. But why? He's a cheating dick head who is no good to anyone.
I sit in the corner and cover my face in my hands, crying hard. Nothing good ever happens to me, does it? Dan was a good thing... Or so I thought.
I hear someone calling my name over the rain. I stand up, stumbling with weakness. I look out the window and stare into the streets.
"Michaela, let me in!" I hear a soaking wet Dan call from outside my apartment.
"Stay away from me, and NEVER come back!" I shout out the window, slamming it closed. I turn around and smirk, it felt good to hurt him like that, he had no idea how much he's hurt me. I fall back onto my bed, hearing muffled "Michaela!"s from outside. After a few seconds, he stops. I hear his footsteps slam along the wet ground and I hear his door slam.
After several attempts at calling Michaela, I give up. I want to hug her. I want to kiss her forehead and I want her to bury her face in my chest.
I walk back into the apartment gloomily, where Vicky is smirking away to herself.
"Well, Dan. Things have changes since I left. And they changed again when I came back. You're hard to please aren't you Dan?" She giggles, swinging her keys around her finger and walking out.
"Hey, Vicky," I call before she leaves.
"Yes, darling!"
"Go FUCK yourself, and give Giovani a nice kick up the ass for me, okay?" I shout, as she stares at me and laughs.
"Giovani's out of the picture. If you're interested, don't hesitate to call me!" She winks.
Wow, is it possible to be happy for five minutes without her coming along and wrecking everything?
Wow... Hope that chapter payed back for all the time I was gone!
SHIT IS GOING DOWN, AND IT'S ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER! Like... WWWWAAAAYYYY better, so stay tuned for some more srs
~_fanficyoutubeaddict_~ <3 xxx

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